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國企盈利跌幅擴 首三季下挫8.2%

... 續虧損。 7省推萬億PPP項目 此外,國家發改委聯同全國工商聯日前召開政府和社會資本合作(PPP,公私合營模式 ...全文



... 士環境開展了城市供水PPP(公私合營模式)合作。 該公司在PPP模式下所積累的成功經驗,加上其自身特許經營權的 ...全文


Key investment themes for 2016 amid SOE reform

... tnership (PPP) infrastructure projects. For example, the government will continue to improve infrastructure in urban areas, such as environmental protection facilities. Investors should focus on some ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-19

2016年 你該買什麼?

... 估計國家將加強推動以PPP模式為主的基礎設施工程項目,並聚焦在民生工程上。 在投資布局上,市場可以留意兩項投資 ...全文



... ,以至更多引入民資的PPP體制。是耶非耶、月底自會揭曉。 (五)這次政治局會議亦審議了《中共廉潔自律準則》及《 ...全文


新樓車位全覆蓋 鼓勵PPP融資

... ,《意見》不僅支持以PPP(公私合營)方式為建設充電設備融資,還鼓勵利用社會資本設立充電基礎設施發展專項基金, ...全文


瑞信:權重內險股調整逾1% 候低平安購24501國壽購11676

... 政府和社會資本合作(PPP)的融資支持基金,基金總規模1800億元人民幣。 中國平安(02318)周四跌逾1% ...全文



PPP模式成為內地近年熱點。PPP對加快城鎮化建設、提升國家治理能力、構建現代財政制度具有重要意義。然而,在實 ...全文


瑞信:騰訊挑戰百四元關口 騰訊購24443

... 政府和社會資本合作(PPP)的融資支持基金,基金總規模1800億元人民幣。 平保(02318) 周一升近3%創 ...全文



... tnership, PPP)長效機制,之前中英也舉辦了PPP圓桌會,並簽署了中英兩國財政部的PPP合作備忘錄, ...全文



... 實的情況來看,在目前PPP(Public-Private-Partnership,公私合營)模式下,已經完成簽 ...全文


港股未超賣 兩萬點仍未脫險

... 昨日正式公佈了第二批PPP示範項目,共計206個項目涉及總投資金額6589億元人民幣,無論是規模還是數量均較第 ...全文


Why it may be time for fresh bets on China infrastructure stocks

... tnership (PPP) infrastructure projects, in fields such as sewage, transport and public utilities. Given this, infrastructure stocks offer good prospects for long-term investors. This article appeared ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-07

Hong Kong 6th-richest economy, survey finds

... r parity (PPP) basis.  Hong Kong ranks higher than the United States (which comes in seventh), Australia (10th), Canada (11th), Taiwan (17th), Japan (22nd), Britain (23rd) and South Korea (26th). Main ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-15

How Asian consumers will shift the center of gravity from Europe

... r parity (PPP) terms. The world of PPP is a weird one, but let’s not be too pernickety. This definition means a person can afford a Starbucks, has more than one pair of shoes, has an iPhone and a comp ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-24

Power, infrastructure sectors to benefit from new policies

... tnership (PPP) model to finance these ambitious projects instead of relying on credit expansion to drive investment. The government has been trying to attract private investors to participate in these ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-23

Privatization in China - where are the opportunities?

... nership” (PPP) scheme to allow private investors to operate and jointly own local SOEs and infrastructure assets. However, even partial privatization is a big challenge for the reformers in China. The ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-13

Why public-private partnership doesn’t work in China

Earlier this month, tycoon Ren Zhiqiang lambasted the public-private partnership (PPP) business model the Chinese government is keen to promote. Ren, who retired recently as chairman of Huayuan Proper ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-01

China rising: Why economic clout is not all about GDP

The World Bank recently announced that China’s economy will surpass that of the United States this year, measured according to purchasing power parity (PPP). But this is far from a holistic depiction ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-07

Renminbi overvalued, really?

... r parity (PPP) theory to China’s exchange rate. PPP states that the exchange rate between one currency and another is in equilibrium when their domestic purchasing powers at that rate of exchange are ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-18

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