
共 1450 個結果
頁數:1...44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ...73

Aging, technology open new opportunities for HK insurance sector

... rotection gap of consumers. Despite a high proportion of Hong Kong customers having medical insurance, it was evident that there was strong potential for a new breast cancer product in the market. In ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-23

Tim Cook fights for US corporate tax reform

... e yawning gap to the fact that return on capital has been outstripping the pace of economic growth and wage gains. This makes the rich even richer while by contrast, those who lack capital and need to ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-22


美國最大服裝集團Gap周四公布的全年純利預測遜於分析師預期,主要因為旗下品牌Banana Republic同店 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年08月20日

Why Brexit may hurt European banks

... ture, the gap between European banks and their US peers in terms of competitiveness and profitability is likely to widen further. On the Hong Kong market, mainland demand for local shares, in particul ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-19

Refugee problem comes to New York

... le of the gap between what needs to be done to meet a global challenge and what the world is prepared to do. Alas, the same holds true for most such challenges, from terrorism and climate change to we ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-16

獅子會中學校長 引入4K影院 倡體驗式教學

... 。」 外國流行休學年Gap Year,入大學前休學一年,香港未有此習慣,但林校長甚至想帶入中學體制。「現在比以 ...全文



... formation gap,因為他深明企業家往往用逾千個小時去鑽研某一細分行業,反之投資者自己也明白自己沒有可 ...全文


Why Hong Kong travelers are flocking to UK

... ency, the gap in prices of British products sold in Hong Kong and London is widening. A Burberry classic trench coat, for instance, costs HK$14,500 in the firm's Hong Kong online store, compared with ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-10


美國最大服裝集團Gap於7月同店銷售再度下跌,這是公司逾一年來首次重拾增長後再錄跌幅。即使Gap第二季度業績表 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年08月10日

Wal-Mart to acquire internet retailer Jet.com for US$3.3 bln

... e massive gap with market leader Amazon, Reuters reports. Wal-Mart's online division has underperformed against Amazon, posting its slowest growth in a year in the first quarter as it struggled to gai ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-09

Why Taiwan stock market may not sustain rally

... he wealth gap keeps widening. In response to the economic challenges, Tsai has proposed a "New Southbound Policy" to move the island away from its overreliance on the China market and to cultivate mor ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-08


... 自己一個「空檔年」(gap year),待明年秋季才展開大學生活。 Gap year在香港和台灣一般會翻譯為空 ...全文


Germany's refugee-friendly policy at a crossroads

... ge wealth gap between the western and eastern parts of his country, despite the fact that there were calls from some West Germans at that time for putting the German version of the Marshall Plan on ho ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-02


... 期,相當於一個小型的gap year變奏,不過換來的卻是全國的施行。 南韓與中國、日本一樣,歷史上長期崇尚科舉 ...全文


Why subdivided flats are a necessary evil

... rrow that gap? Like I said in one of my previous articles, many people, mainly the underprivileged and the working poor, are well aware that subdivided flats in industrial buildings are both dangerous ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-28

拜登澳洲大發厥詞 中國功夫不宜動手

... 」的松谷(Pine Gap,表面是地面衞星觀測站),在與中國對抗上,將扮演重要角色。為了讓擔心與中國對抗貿易會 ...全文


Is this another bid to turn HK people into Beijing loyalists?

... ridge the gap by reaching a consensus on the democracy roadmap for Hong Kong. A consensus is far better than limiting the freedom of expression of Hong Kong people and banning those who are opposed to ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-26

Facebook takes a leaf out of China book on affordable housing

... ridge the gap between low-income households and those who are better off by putting them in one community. This enables low-income families to share in the community and social networking resources o ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-22

Man seen smoking, drinking and playing music on MTR train

...  platform gap and left. The MTR Corporation said a verbal warning was issued to a passenger who had violated regulations. However, the rail operator said they didn't spot anyone smoking when the train ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-18

In reply to Albert Cheng: Look who’s talking

Last week, Albert Cheng strongly criticized the Liberal Party for our opposition to Li Ka-shing’s suggestion that corporate tax be raised in order to narrow the wealth gap. Mr. Cheng said we are merel ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-14

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