
共 1907 個結果
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China state firms vow to boost domestic oil, gas exploration

... at Baohai Bay at 30 million tons. The statement came a day after top energy group CNPC said one of its key tasks to ensure energy security was to fast-track investments in natural gas production and i ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-09

Street performers need regulation, not clampdown

...  Causeway Bay to continue with their shows. And there is a growing concern that these places are likely to become the “Sai Yeung Choi Street South 2.0” very soon. To be fair, not all street performers ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-01

新加坡可以 香港卻不可以

... ns by the Bay附近逛逛看看,真心欣賞整體規劃。雖然朋友總愛搞笑形容那設計像亞凡達公園,每次步入園內 ...全文



... d,皆因乃Junk Bay內一小島;佛堂洲草木生長茂盛,村民採集島上的灌木樹葉泡茶;外來人可從將軍澳工業邨步行 ...全文


Stress testing China’s system reform

... e Greater Bay Area, including Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Guangzhou, Foshan, and Dongguan – has generated system-wide resources in capital stock, income flow, know-how and institutional innovation, which were u ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-26

HK has a lot of catching up to do to achieve tech hub dream

... s Greater Bay Area as the best place to start a business, followed by Singapore (40 percent) and Hong Kong (39 percent). That our college students prefer Singapore to Hong Kong is a rather negative si ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-25

America’s grassroots saviors

... Half Moon Bay, citizens created a public benefit corporation to save the Half Moon Bay Review (for which Lenny Mendonca serves as chairman of the board). And the national non-profit organization Repor ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-25

伊萬卡終止Ivanka Trump品牌生意

... 擘Hudson's Bay及美國百貨公司Nordstrom,近年停止售賣Ivanka Trump產品。 伊萬卡 ...全文



... ,也曾經在Back Bay的酒吧雄辯滔滔。我很幸運有這種朋友,願意跟人分享自己的想法見解,每句都是真心話。   ...全文


What makes BASF’s US$10 billion Guangdong project possible?

... e Greater Bay Area (GBA)?” Such a concept was fine but there were many obstacles to realizing his goal. One was that Beijing, not Guangdong, approves projects of this size. Second was that China’s che ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-20

Why Hong Kong’s property bubble won’t burst anytime soon

... e Greater Bay Area takes shape, more mainland and foreign firms will set up offices here. That means we’ll see an even greater influx of mainlanders. They will need homes. And as we have seen, they ar ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-19

How AI is shaping the world of the future

High-tech companies in nine cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area have seen a 47 percent rise in hirings over last year. Firms in Dongguan even posted a stronger hiring growth of 77 ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-18

National anthem bill may be tabled in Legco in Oct: Patrick Nip

... ong-Macao Bay Area -- Nip said the Greater Bay Area plan’s framework has generally been completed, and that only needs to wait now for the central government to unveil it. – Contact us at english@hkej ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-17

庖丁解牛 何子拆馬

... yPal已出售予e-Bay,實際上仍領導3間公司。一般創一代只運營一家公司,到創業時間久了,說他分散投資好,說 ...全文


District council endorses plan to end pedestrian zone from Aug 4

...  Causeway Bay and bring nuisance there, he said. District councilor Kenny Lam Kin-man worries things like telecom sales activities, which are now done from the pedestrian zone, will clog up pavements ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-13

Govt to scrap Mong Kok pedestrian zone amid complaints

...  Causeway Bay or Tsim Sha Tsui, and as such, appropriate regulations on street performance venues must be implemented. – Contact us at [email protected] TL/JC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-12

IKEA to enhance security after youths turn store into playground

...  Causeway Bay store of the Swedish company famous for its ready-to-assemble furniture and home accessories, and using it as their playground after closing time, Apple Daily reports. It is suspected th ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-10

Ma Wan residents stage protest against plan to cut ferry trips

... from East Bay Beach to somewhere near the Tsing Ma Bridge to express their opposition to the plan. Shirley Wong Hang-wan, deputy chair of the Park Island owners’ committee, said water transport has be ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-09

An envoy's thoughts as he prepares to leave Hong Kong

... e Greater Bay Area, with the rule of law, wide use of English and a straightforward way to do business. We were able to get the Consulate General up and running very quickly in 2014,” he said. "But th ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-06

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