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Understanding China

... s in this city. Those who resort to the unidimensional, ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年05月25日

Purpose of digital twin: Serving the public

...  the real city with its duplicated virtual version to facilitate analysis and monitoring of city operations. In addition, various hypotheses, such as solar radiation time frame, privacy issues, floodi ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-24

Understanding China

... s in this city. Those who resort to the unidimensional, facetious portrayals of the party may have found themselves surprised – if not caught entirely off-guard – by the swift, stern, and trenchant ac ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-24


... 下劇本殺旗艦店「M-City」於上月底在長沙開業,即湧現人潮。 市場發展迅速 帶動盈利增長 劇本殺遊戲市場規模 ...全文



... 月,豐田Woven City項目正式在靜岡縣裾野市動工,豐田章男出席了奠基儀式。這座「編織之城」特意找來當時得 ...全文


涉殺拒捕黑人 警員不被起訴

... Elizabeth City)地區檢察官旺布爾(Andrew Womble)指出,事發時布朗漠視警員命令,企圖 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年05月20日

消委會測芝士 七成高脂六成高鈉

... 總脂肪。最高脂是超市city'super一款法國羊奶芝士,每百克含37.7克,成年人吃一份(26克)已攝入9. ...全文


Will the U.K. become the Disunited Kingdom?

... northeast city of Aberdeen is the centre of Britain’s oil industry; production began in 1976, but is now in decline. The second largest party in the national parliament is the Scottish Conservatives, ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-17

Applications of digital twin

... on of the city. Through advanced technologies such as geographic information system (GIS) and building information modelling (BIM) combined with 3D models, it is possible to accurately simulate the in ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-17


在港大論壇上,諾貝爾獎的Paul Romer指香港是win-win city。但不久他便笑着說:通常在一個pa ...全文



... Z、Liberty City Ventures及Metapurse等。 Animoca強攻NFT數碼產權 An ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年05月14日

An open invitation to HKSAR administration

... Kong is a city rife with inequalities. Rampant resource ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hong Konger2021年05月11日

An open invitation to HKSAR administration

“Hong Kong is a city rife with inequalities. Rampant resource inegalitarianism, abhorrently exborbitant housing prices, and – above all – an administration and ruling class that is deeply out of touch ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-10

Using smart technology to enhance home safety for the elderly

... g and the City University of Hong Kong have jointly developed a new wearable smart robot system. The robot is like knee pads, the elder only need to wear it and its smart nano sensor and distributed d ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-10


危地馬拉首都危地馬拉城(Guatemala City)上周六有數十名民眾示威抗議,要求總統賈馬太(Alejan ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年05月10日

建設海綿城市 不見汪洋一片

... 城市(sponge city)是西方的生態概念,又稱具有水的彈性、韌性之城。其相應的雨水系統工程構建,稱為低影 ...全文


精準抗疫後 旅遊新動向

... a's World City」便不能轉變成「文化可持續發展魅力之都」。 撰文:黃譚智媛_香港大學醫學院榮譽教授 ...全文



... 的Brickell City Centre,零售額倒退32.6%。 本港3月份零售業銷售額回升20.1%,市場 ...全文


Addressing Hongkongers' vaccine hesitancy

... leave the city (though some segments of the population ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年05月06日

How can we sweeten the vaccination program?

... cause the city is comparatively more successful in controlling the pandemic than rest of the world, and thereby a victim of its own success as the low chance of infection means there is less urgency f ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-05

頁數:1...46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 ...150

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