... they used WeChat app, the most popular instant-messaging service in the mainland. Nearly one in 10 of them expressed interest in enlisting in the Chinese Liberation Army, while 17.6 percent said they ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-11
... NG Wallet及WeChat Pay,相信新安排可為市民提供更多選擇。 收銀車服務自2014年10月推出, ...全文
... 路途上,fb有微信(WeChat)前車之鑑,以及印度的先發優勢。有說本港股王騰訊(00700)巿值逾3.8萬億 ...全文
... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文
... joined a WeChat group of Sunac shareholders since 2016. I’ve learned that a large number of mainland retail investors have betted all their savings in Sunac shares, with some even borrowing money fro ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-03
... Tencent’s WeChat Pay cornered 38.2 percent. But Tencent is fast catching up and could very well surpass Alibaba's market share if it harnesses the full growth potential of its businesses. That could b ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-03
... platform WeChat and meetings at bars, where potential bitcoin buyers could meet sellers. Then peer-to-peer platforms such as CoinCola, websites belonging to former Chinese exchanges Huobi and OKCoin, ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-03
... Tencent’s WeChat Pay and Alibaba’s Alipay. Chinese regulators are bent on safeguarding financial security and preventing monopoly, and as such, Tencent and Alibaba simply can’t say no to the consolida ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-28
... 記Facebook與WeChat亦有政策風險疑慮。 宜適度調低入市資金 面對未來一段處於中美貿易戰博弈期,投資 ...全文
... 84億元。至於微信及WeChat合併月活躍用戶有9.886億戶,上升11.2%,今年農曆新年後則超過10億人, ...全文
... 至5.54億。微信及WeChat合併月活躍賬戶達9.886億,按年增長11.2%。春節後,合併月活躍賬戶超過1 ...全文
證監會擬容許券商接受以通訊軟件whatsapp或wechat落盤,證券業協會主席張為國表示,據他了解,證監會擬 ...全文
騰訊(00700)旗下流動支付平台WeChat Pay HK公布推出新一輪活動,用戶由即日至4月6日期間,每位 ...全文
... 官方電子身份系統」(WeChat poised to become China's official elec ...全文