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28 Aberdeen St.兩特色戶將招標

... 的中環住宅項目28 Aberdeen St.夥拍經絡按揭推出按揭計劃,經絡按揭轉介市場總監劉圓圓表示,是次推出 ...全文


地產行程 1月10日

1500 經絡按揭轉介28 Aberdeen St.最新按揭及置業優惠地點:金鐘夏慤道18號海富中心一座21樓 ...全文



... %至20%。 28 Aberdeen St.累售19伙 另外,由太古地產(01972)前主席簡基富(Keith ...全文


28 Aberdeen St.特色戶擬招標發售

... 號全新住宅項目28 Aberdeen St.,今天開放兩個分別位於20樓的交樓標準示範單位及連傢俬示範單位予傳 ...全文


英學生房舍需求大 發展商長賺

... 將劣績歸咎於阿伯丁(Aberdeen)及卡迪夫(Cardiff)的出租率讓人失望。公司的市場價值與資產價值存有 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年01月04日

地產行程 1月4日

... F 1400 28 Aberdeen St.開放示範單位地點:中環鴨巴甸街28號28 Aberdeen St. ...全文


高盛聯手掌舵 二虎共存難妥

... dard Life Aberdeen的股東聽到應該很高興,該公司就是採用聯席領導模式。 聯席行政總裁通常是企業 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年12月05日

China enshrines 'Xi Jinping Thought', Wang Qishan to step down

... mist with Aberdeen Standard Investments in Hong Kong. China’s blue-chip shares climbed to a 26-month high on Tuesday, led by infrastructure and property stocks, as Xi wrapped up a congress that began ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-24


彭博引述滙豐控股(00005)基金股東之一的Standard Life Aberdeen亞洲主管Hugh Yo ...全文


Why we still need physical AGMs

... rector at Aberdeen Standard Investments -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-03

全球股市續漲 投資熱情未減

... 衡。」安本標準投資(Aberdeen Standard Investments)全球策略主管Andrew Mi ...全文



... rd Life完成與Aberdeen Asset Management 的合併後,預期會把其部分年金業務出售。 ...全文


19-seat minibuses hit the road in Hong Kong

... s between Aberdeen and Wong Chuk Hang Station. The service began on Thursday. Another operator, Koon Wing Motors, will use the new buses on route 101M between Hang Hau Station and Sai Kung. The servic ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-10

Police investigate cat death in Aberdeen

Police are looking into the killing of a street cat in an Aberdeen public housing estate. The cat was found dead on a slope opposite Wah Lok House in Wah Fu Estate on Tuesday at around 11 a.m. by a vo ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-20


... Brighouse及Aberdeen站, 可直達溫哥華國際機場及市中心。而駕車前往機場約10分鐘車程,25分鐘 ...全文


Motorists to get more payment options for toll, tunnel fees

... llowed by Aberdeen tunnel at end-September and Cross-Harbour tunnel at end-October. Lion Rock Tunnel, Tseung Kwan O Tunnel, Tsing Sha Highway, Lantau Link and Eastern Harbour Crossing will join later. ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-14

Congee from Kam Fung: Same old good taste

... n Teng on Aberdeen Main Road. As for congee, Kam Fung Congee & Noodles in Quarry Bay, for sure. Well, there has been little democracy in my home since I am always the one to make the call. For the ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-07

Man, 59, arrested in Aberdeen after clash with police officers

A 59-year-old man was arrested on Sunday after he got into a scuffle with two police officers outside a convenience store in Aberdeen. According to video footage captured by an onlooker, a brawl erupt ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-03

CY wife’s bizarre dresses and Peng Liyuan’s Cantonese

... cility in Aberdeen Friday morning, an event closed to the media. Photos dispatched by the government show that Peng, in a structured, short-sleeved jacket, toured the complex’s residential block and m ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-30

CY wife's bizarre dresses and Peng Liyuan's Cantonese

... cility in Aberdeen Friday morning, an event closed to the media. Photos dispatched by the government show that Peng, in a structured, short-sleeved jacket, toured the complex’s residential block and m ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-30

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