美國聯邦政府局部停運昨天踏入第25天,由於白宮廚師也被迫放無薪假,總統特朗普周一晚自掏腰包買來漢堡包、薄餅及薯 ...全文
美國快餐連鎖店漢堡王(Burger King)正以驚人的速度向海外擴張,只要眨一眨眼,世界某一個角落就會有一家 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年12月04日
瑞典網上支付技術公司Klarna是歐洲最大的金融科技(FinTech)公司之一,近日獲瑞典「同胞」服裝零售巨擘 ...全文
美國快餐店Burger King在俄國社交網站登廣告,提到倘俄國女性與任何一名參與世界盃的外國球員發生性關係導 ...全文
今回講大快活(00052)6月22日公布的年度業績,看似缺乏驚喜,但是只要仔細「拆下數」,卻能發現暗藏了甚多亮 ...全文
連鎖快餐店Burger King母企Restaurant Brands International(RBI)周 ...全文
Perfect Combo Ltd., one of the two franchisees of the Burger King brand in Hong Kong, has closed all its five restaurants in the city after incurring heavy debts. According to Apple Daily, the company ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-02
McDonald’s Corp., trying to revive flagging sales, is calling the rollout of all-day breakfast in the United States a success. The fast-food giant is telling its franchisees to prepare for the next c ...More
EJ Insight2015-10-15
McDonald's Corp. will serve only eggs laid by cage-free chickens within 10 years. The policy applies to 16,000 US and Canadian restaurants, according to Reuters. McDonald's USA has been buying more th ...More
EJ Insight2015-09-10
Warren Buffett may be most famous for the billions of dollars he has made from investing but he is also well known as a cheerleader for the United States. The Oracle of Omaha routinely exhorts investo ...More
EJ Insight2014-08-27
Happy is the new fear. And of all places, the emotional distress is coming from an unlikely source -- McDonald’s. Obviously, McDonald's Corp. did not mean to sow terror when it introduced its Happy Me ...More
EJ Insight2014-05-20