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Singapore to return US$11 mln in 1MDB-linked funds to Malaysia

...  Bank and Falcon Bank. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-10

Paul Allen's space firm details plans for rockets, cargo vehicle

...  a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket can launch from the ground. Timing is everything Around 800 small satellites are expected to launch annually beginning around 2020, more than double the annual average over t ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-21

adidas領復古潮 老爸波鞋賣到笑

... 來自1997年發布的Falcon Dorf,臃腫複雜的鞋身結構極具復古跑鞋韻味。 新產品銷量好毋須減價 adi ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年08月13日


... 樣說。2006年3月Falcon 1首次試飛失敗,2007年3月及2008年8月均失敗。「花生友」可批評亦可送 ...全文


SpaceX推遲登月旅程時間 最快明年中成事

... 明年預期的「獵鷹」(Falcon)火箭升空次數,較今年的28次減少四成。升空次數的減少,是與商業客戶減少發射衞 ...全文


時計畫廓 錶盤畫作

... ca駕駛的千年隼號(Falcon Millennium),採用了自家精細的微型繪畫技術,一種精細得只能用顯微鏡 ...全文


「耶穌要買飛機」 美佈道家籲奉獻

... ult)獵鷹7X型(Falcon 7X)飛機來「供養」祂。「供養」明顯是要求信徒奉獻。他稱,省油的噴射飛機能讓 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年06月01日

Space X成功發射獵鷹9號新型火箭

... ,成功發射獵鷹9號(Falcon 9)新型Block-5火箭,並將孟加拉通訊衞星送進太空,未來可能用於載人升空 ...全文



... ack Widow及Falcon及時趕到,擊退兩大護法,Vision才得以保命。跟着Guardians of ...全文



鋼鐵人Elon Musk一直很忙,比侵侵更忙,射完Falcon 9衞星上太空,稱將在三個月內開Tesla橫越美 ...全文


NASA, SpaceX set to launch planet-hunting satellite

NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is scheduled to launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from a facility in Florida on Monday. According to reports, the satellite, which is aimed at find ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-16

SpaceX Mars ship could be ready for short flights in 2019: Musk

... cessor to Falcon Heavy rocket. In its current design, the rocket is 106 meters tall with a 9-meter diameter. It uses 37 Raptor engines, with 31 on the booster rocket, and six on the spacecraft. It wil ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-13

Space X火星船明年試飛

... 被視為「重型獵鷹」(Falcon Heavy)後最佳的運載火箭。 目標2024載人登陸 BFR雖為征服火星而設 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年03月13日

Grabbing new business opportunities in the e-commerce era

... illennium Falcon in late 2017. Initially priced at US$800, this largest brick set from Lego has 7,514 pieces. The bidding price has zoomed above HK$14,000 on eBay’s Japan site, implying a huge premium ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-26


隨着SpaceX Falcon Heavy的成功發射,鋼鐵人Elon Musk成為全球各大媒體、社交網站的頭條 ...全文


SpaceX gets US regulator to back satellite internet plan

... ne of its Falcon 9 rockets. That launch, already approved by the FCC, is set for Saturday in California. The rocket will carry the PAZ satellite for Hisdesat of Madrid, Spain and multiple smaller seco ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-15


... 重複使用重型運載火箭Falcon Heavy。Falcon Heavy由一支主載火箭以及兩支輔助推進火箭組成, ...全文


Tesla posts worst-ever quarterly loss, maintains Model 3 target

... l rocket, Falcon Heavy, made by his private company SpaceX. But some analysts have questioned whether his myriad of other interests, from space exploration to tunnel boring technology, are a distract ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-08


... 次發射「重型獵鷹」(Falcon Heavy)火箭,把一架Tesla Roadster紅色跑車送往火星軌道,為 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月08日

SpaceX jumbo rocket blasts off from Florida in debut test flight

SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy, seen as the world's most powerful rocket, roared into space through clear blue skies in its debut test flight on Tuesday from a Florida launch site, in another milestone for bil ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-07

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