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... 轉投金融貿易,創立了Liberty Life Assurance及Hansard Global Plc,分別在 ...全文


The jewel in China’s crown

‘Your right to liberty ends where my nose begins’ This encapsulation of the freedom of the individual in a society has been variously rendered and attributed to a number of people, including Abraham L ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-05


每年1月,很多人都會為新一年訂下目標,因此Leaves & Liberty選擇於1月首次作為實體店亮相 ...全文


Can Americans forgive one another?

... 1944 that liberty is not “freedom to do as one likes,” for that leads straight to society’s overthrow. Instead, he explained: “The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is righ ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-22

Division or dialogue with China?

... ndividual liberty and human rights.” The report also stokes fear of China’s supposed “authoritarian goals” and “hegemonic ambitions,” which imply a desire to infuse the US-led global order with its ow ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-27

束縛老弱 畜縛尊嚴

... 肥的奴役(lean liberty is better than fat slavery)。 各位步入退休的人 ...全文



... of public liberty,但他的取徑是以立法訂下Bill of Rights,明文保障人民各項基本自 ...全文


賽車壇造王者 掌F1先贏業界喝采
法拉利前領隊多梅尼卡利 跑道人生超越勝負

... 。 多梅尼卡利一直是Liberty Media物色F1掌舵人的熱門人選,他在林寶堅尼培育品牌能力有目共睹,結合 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2020年11月07日


... 像《自由引導人民》(Liberty Leading the People)中的自由女神,誰說並非真實存在?只是 ...全文



... 。 當時我們在中環的Liberty,看見這位朋友與一位女士一起飲酒聊天,結果聊着聊着才知道她就是那一位網友,但 ...全文


Should we give up on our youth? - No, No, No!

... cracy and liberty – are paid shrills or mindless zealot ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian YS Wong2020年09月18日

Should we give up on our youth?-No, No, No!

... cracy and liberty – are paid shrills or mindless zealots. It is chic and “politically correct” to insist that youth of only one colour (blue or yellow) are “worth listening to” – yet any reasonable go ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-17

白羅斯封殺媒體 陳兵邊境戒備

... 助的電台Radio Liberty和Belsat,以及波蘭資助的衞星電視頻道;國家出版社亦以「印刷機故障」為由 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年08月24日

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty

...  price of liberty. First, shop owners and restauranteurs must ensure that they comply with the stipulated guidelines. There has been limited – albeit alarming – evidence to suggest that this new wave ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-13


... Malone)旗下的Liberty Global,合併雙方在英國的業務,涉資128億美元。 亞太區表現佳 TM ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年07月01日


... ope/Radio Liberty)及Open Technology Fund。今次是美國總統特朗普委任的帕克 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年06月19日

American exceptionalism in the age of Trump

...  domestic liberty by moderating external threats. Trump has turned his back on both aspects of this tradition. In his inaugural address Trump declared: “America first … We will seek friendship and goo ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-11

Hong Kong brain drain 2020

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” Lady Liberty now seems to be speaking directly to Hongkongers after the United States said it is considering welcoming im ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-03

Virgin Media與O2合併 BT一哥地位或不保

... 電訊將可由馬龍控制的Liberty Global取得首筆付款25億英鎊(約239億港元),雙方在合併後新公司將 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年05月08日

O2與Virgin斟合併 問鼎英電訊界龍頭

西班牙電訊(Telefonica)證實正與美國媒體大亨馬龍(John Malone)控制的Liberty Gl ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年05月05日

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