
共 158 個結果
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NASA rover data shows Mars had ingredients needed for life

A NASA rover has detected a bonanza of organic compounds on the surface of Mars and seasonal fluctuations of atmospheric methane in findings that mark some of the strongest evidence ever that Earth’s ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-08

Diagnosing heart disease: women are different

In the matter of heart disease, it is true, as the title of a popular book suggests, that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. The traditional model of heart disease has been based on men’s dis ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-04


... d)、Bakken及Mars。因此,當地品種替代品的價格已經大幅下降。   ...全文


SpaceX Mars ship could be ready for short flights in 2019: Musk

A rocket ship that SpaceX is building for trips to Mars could begin short flights in the first half of 2019, US tech entrepreneur Elon Musk said on Sunday. Speaking at an annual technology and culture ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-13

SpaceX jumbo rocket blasts off from Florida in debut test flight

... ssions to Mars in the coming years. The successful liftoff is a key turning point in Silicon Valley entrepreneur Musk’s privately owned Space Exploration Technologies, which stands to gain a new edge ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-07

雀巢美糖果業務 218億售予費列羅

... rshey)、瑪氏(Mars)和瑞士蓮(Lindt),因此將之出售合乎邏輯,集團強調日後仍會致力發展美國以外地 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年01月18日


... 科學家正與糖果生產商Mars合作,研究利用號稱「基因剪刀」的CRISPR基因剪輯技術,令可可樹日後能在較溫暖及 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年01月03日

YouTube組萬人監控大軍 嚴打孌童片
杜絕色情仇恨留言 亡羊補牢防廣告流失

... 道公開後,糖果生產商Mars及德國連鎖超市Lidl等企業發現自身廣告出現在問題影片附近,於上月底「黑色星期五」 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年12月06日

利用創新金融 解決老齡負擔

... 起探索。澳洲中介機構MaRS Centre於去年以支援長期病患推行「按效果收費」,獲得10個投資者支持,作為創 ...全文



... J位列第15,僅次於Mars(第6位)、EY(第9位)等巨企,領先於富達投資(19位)、Bloomberg(2 ...全文


製造業回暖 海天盈利穩步揚

... 場整體需求旺盛,旗下Mars系列節能型注塑機銷售增長明顯,按年增長31.3%,至35.3億元(佔整體70%)【 ...全文


Ariana心碎難過 眾星致哀

... 火星人」Bruno Mars稱,無言語可形容他對今次悲劇的感想,不想認為這個世界是這麼殘酷。樂壇小天后Tayl ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月24日

What if the 'mad men' in Washington and Pyongyang square off?

... ated the "Mars-12", the missile was launched from a nuclear facility located along the western coast of North Korea at roughly 05:30am on May 14. As the missile flew at a high altitude, it suggests Py ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-17

US candymakers in joint pledge to cut calories in products

... including Mars Chocolate North America LLC, Nestle USA, WM Wrigley Jr. Co. and Lindt & Spruengli, said they had committed to ensuring that half of their individually wrapped products sold in the U ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-12


... 朱古力製造商士力架(Mars .Inc)和百樂嘉利寶(Barry Callebaut)的預測,到2020年可可 ...全文


Why business is greener than Trump

...  company, Mars, Inc., is on a similar path. A signatory of the Business Backs Low Carbon letter, Mars is working to eliminate its greenhouse-gas emissions entirely by 2040, through greater efficiency ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-31


... 行空的Muck想發展Mars Oasis「火星綠洲」項目,在火星進行種植,並跑到莫斯科商討購買火箭。賣家開價8 ...全文


Scientists launch campaign to restore Pluto to planet club

... t between Mars and Jupiter. The decision left the solar system with eight planets. But this definition sidelines the research interests of most planetary scientists, said the paper's lead author, Kirb ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-22


亞馬遜行政總裁貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)在內部MARS機械人會議上,親自駕駛一個13呎高的機械人,並在眾人 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年03月22日

淘寶網賣假貓糧 阿里控店主索賠

阿里巴巴集團再次提出民事訴訟,向上海市奉賢區人民法院遞交訴狀,將一家出售假冒瑪氏(Mars)貓糧的淘寶店主告上 ...全文


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