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... 向月球發射無人探測器SLIM;又計劃研發太空站的各種基建,如飲用水、空氣淨化裝置等,為日後載人登月做準備。JA ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年03月22日

Why a real China-US trade war seems unlikely

...  stands a slim chance of getting reelected while Xi doesn’t really have to worry about losing his job. So it is safe to say that China-US relationship is neither going to get a lot worse nor a lot bet ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-05

貝索斯膺胡潤全球首富 馬化騰成華人首富

... 利姆(Carlos Slim Helu)家族、甲骨文創辦人埃利森(Larry Ellison)、谷歌(Goog ...全文



... I CAP Arm Slim、7 Days Slim hip & Legs、Slim Perfect ...全文


Why many unmanned shops in China have closed

A number of Chinese companies have opened over 40 unmanned outlets across the country, hoping to improve slim profit margins in the retail business by reducing staff costs. These operators include e-c ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-13

Wonder Woman破格反荷里活傳統

... 大樓、五角大樓,身穿Slim Cut西裝手拿着黑色公事包的白人型男,身穿低胸長裙的性感女郎,代表現代繁榮高科技 ...全文



... 利姆(Carlos Slim)上周宣布全數沽出手上股份。 斯利姆在2009年出手拯救當時深陷財困的《紐約時報》 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年12月22日

Hiker, 69, dies after plunging from steep cliff on Lantau Island

... known as “Slim Chance of Survival”, one of the most notoriously dangerous spots along the route. His companions called the police for help. The Government Flying Service (GFS) sent out two helicopters ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-27

GE seen at risk of losing its Dow spot as share price falls

... matically slim down its sprawling operations, Reuters reports, citing US market watchers. "Since it is trading at a low share price and has a small weighting in the index, that does put it at an incre ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-13

iPhone X speculators settle for slim premiums

Black market prices for the latest edition of the smartphone is only about HK$3,000 more than the original price as the iPhone X made its debut in Hong Kong Friday. The iPhone X comes in silver and sp ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-03


HERMÈS SLIM D'HERMÈS Dans un Jardin Anglais 39.5毫米白金錶殼搭 ...全文


妙筆生輝 手繪錶盤藝術

... 圖案的念頭,終打造出SLIM D'HERMÈS系列Dans un Jardin Anglais以及ARCEAU ...全文



... 講者永遠不會見到身穿slim cut Gucci西裝、白襯衣結上二吋寬黑色領帶,再配上發亮的Berluti皮鞋 ...全文


1,300 home seekers scramble for four flats at Parc City

Despite the slim odds, about 1,300 home seekers sought to buy four available units at Parc City in Tsuen Wan, forming a long queue outside the sales office at Nina Tower as early as 9 a.m. on Tuesday, ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-06

Labour Party chief resigns

... she had a slim chance of winning. Lee and partymate Cyd Ho Sau-lan lost their bids to retain their seats in the Legco election. The party’s only lawmaker is Dr. Fernando Cheung Chiu-hung, who represen ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-23

Civil servant, 53, goes missing during hike in Tai Po

...  face and slim build. He was last seen wearing a blue and white long sleeve shirt and black pants. He was also carrying a black pouch and a black backpack. The search continued throughout the night wi ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-22

Equity markets look lofty but chance of a collapse slim

...  crash is slim. The fact is heavy sell-offs are already occurring, mainly to companies that are considered victims of technological changes. Nonetheless, the market capitalization of tech giants, beli ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-08

Obamacare repeal bid collapses in US Senate

... ey have a slim 52-48 majority. "I do not think that it’s going to be constructive to repeal a law that at this point is so interwoven within our healthcare system and then hope that over the next two ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-19

Brexit in reverse?

Economic reality is beginning to catch up with the false hopes of many Britons. One year ago, when a slim majority voted for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union, they believed the ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-20

Exit poll suggests no clear winner in UK election

... hey had a slim majority. Sterling fell initially by more than two cents against the US dollar as markets digested the prospect of extreme political uncertainty and even the risk of a second election t ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-09

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