
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ...150

Addressing Hongkongers’ vaccine hesitancy

... leave the city (though some segments of the population may beg to differ) – the city remains a comfortable, lofty home for a majority, save for the downtrodden underbelly, who has been forced to bear ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-04

HK’s fading attraction:Will the new Carrie Lam Show help?

... live in a city increasingly under China’s direct control. The Hong Kong administration, citing the pandemic, has banned for the second year the annual Tiananmen Square vigil, held to commemorate victi ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-04

HK property prices firm despite outlfow of capital into UK

... aving the city is happening – but property prices here are stable, thanks to increased demand from mainlanders, especially for luxury units, and wealth created by the booming stock market, which recor ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-03


... 各地都興起城市素描(city sketching)之風,人們以描繪城市景色為嗜好,又互相交流;「香港城市速寫會 ...全文


倫敦Hackney Wick公園簇擁 樓價相宜
位處地鐵2區 藝術氣息濃 重建留古蹟

... Stratford City購物中心,餐廳、戲院甚至賭場應有盡有。Hackney Wick亦有很多特色餐廳、酒 ...全文


How eHealth provides breath of fresh air

...  that the city will face a shortage of some 1,610 doctors by 2030 and 1,949 by 2040. Our Hong Kong Foundation estimates that Hong Kong will need additional 3,500 doctors if the city is to catch up wit ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-30

Fixing Hong Kong's housing crisis

In 2016, an estimated 2.8% of the city's population was ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年04月30日

For merchants, what does it mean to be mobile-ready?

Shoppers are increasingly making purchases on their mobile devices, and Hongkongers are no stranger to this trend as the city has one of the highest mobile penetration rates globally. Consumers in Hon ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-29

Why HK could not get a better air bubble deal?

... rn to the city from April 29 without the need to quarantine. But Hong Kong people who fancy crossing the border to China would still have to be subject to two-week quarantine. There is no timeline as ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-28

Fixing Hong Kong's housing crisis

Hong Kong has a housing crisis. In 2016, an estimated 2.8% of the city’s population was living in subdivided apartments – housing in squalid, dilapidated conditions that featured egregiously expensive ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-27

Hong Kong has no politicians

...  over the city – this is only understandable, given the ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian YS Wong2021年04月27日

Hong Kong has no politicians

...  over the city – this is only understandable, given the trauma that this city has endured over the past decades, as domestic forces seek to uproot Beijing’s authority (in their eyes). The logical coro ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-26

The trend of commercializing local scientific research

... to electricity. The City University of Hong Kong’s passive radiative cooling paint is an energy-free, low-cost and refrigerant-free cooling technology, it has a wide range of applications like direct ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-26

Fairbnb社區為先 公平短宿選擇

... 區活躍組織Fair City合作,推進改善市內的短租政策。開始之初,他們舉辦了很多聚會、工作坊,邀請熱心的居民 ...全文



... Elizabeth City)一名警員當日早上在執行搜查令期間開槍擊斃40歲非裔男子布朗(Andrew Bro ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年04月23日

位於倫敦兩大金融中心之間 緊鄰一區 盡享地理優勢

... ith & City 及 Overground等鐵路綫接駁,交通網絡四通八達,加上距離The Silk ...全文


Time for government to set up Science and Development Office

Even though the city has prioritised economic development for decades, the changing needs as a result of the pandemic mean Hong Kong should strengthen its policy on science by establishing a high-leve ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-21

Mystery behind the buoyant housing market despite pandemic

...  left the city to United Kingdom and other countries amid the low political climate. But even that does not appear to hurt the local demand for housing. This reminds me of the strong rebound of the ho ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-21

加拿大CN出價2340億 爭奪美國KCS鐵路

... 鐵路(Kansas City Southern, KCS),較加拿大太平洋鐵路公司(Canadian Paci ...全文


On Prince Philip's passing

...  solo capacity); finally, he had served as the steeling ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年04月21日

頁數:1...47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ...150

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