
共 1456 個結果
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周身刀無張利 馬莎自救要成專才

... 網上店業績強勁。根據Visa的數據,自去年5月以來,實體店的零售額每月均下跌,網上店卻錄得增幅。 根據馬莎上周 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年01月15日

How Réunion became 'Africa’s Hong Kong'

... ore enjoy visa-free treatment whenever they travel to any European Union member state. Apart from that, thanks to the juicy subsidies provided by the French government, Réunion has the highest GDP per ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-27


早前外電有報道稱VISA積極計劃申請中國營運牌照,VISA香港及澳門地區總經理戴嘉倩表示, 目前正與內地監管機 ...全文


Singapore's Skyline Club now accepts Ethereum

... bility as Visa in two years. However, Buterin said Ethereum is confronted with three obstacles, namely privacy, safety and expansion. With three-fourths of the privacy issues having been resolved, exp ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-30

Payment wearables offer convenience for fitness fans

... a recent "Visa Sweaty Money Survey”. The survey, in which Visa interviewed about 1,000 adults, also showed that 57 percent of respondents had resorted to keeping credit cards, cash or phones in socks, ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-30

手錶加入支付功能 運動進入零現金年代

... 代碼成支付關鍵 最近Visa就在美國做了一項名為Sweaty Money調查,訪問了接近一千名成年人,當中有四 ...全文



... 太坊將在兩年內擁有與VISA同樣的交易能力。他表示,目前以太坊面對私隱、安全及擴展三大困難,但私隱問題已解決四 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年11月30日


... 分天下,有點像國外的Visa跟MasterCard。關鍵是智能手機支付未來幾年在國內應該會更加普及,使普羅大眾 ...全文


Amex屢遭險阻 遇強愈強

... ,Amex的發展沒有Visa、MasterCard般順利,先有1918年因為第一次世界大戰的戰爭法令美國運通被 ...全文


Bitcoin hits new record high, just days after 29% slide

... s such as Visa or Master Card.  -- Contact us at [email protected] CG/RC ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-17

Britain to double visa numbers for tech talent

Britain is to double the number of visas available to exceptional workers in areas like digital technology and science to 2,000 to help retain an edge after Brexit, Reuters reports. The digital sector ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-15

Suspected anthrax powder at US consulate false alarm

... to accept visa applications, Apple Daily reports. An employee found some white powder in the groove of a service counter and reported it to the police, suspecting it might be anthrax, a deadly biotoxi ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-14

OEC逐次申請 政策被轟擾民

... 經有working visa(工作簽證)和僱傭合約,為什麼仍要申請OEC?」 Janice稱,每次放長假回菲律 ...全文



... 軍下,PayPal較Visa、MasterCard和Amex更有把握能打勝仗。 領軍人物經驗豐執行力強 Sch ...全文



美國總統特朗普訪華前夕,路透引述消息報道,中國政府提出Visa、萬事達卡等須與中國企業成立合資公司,方可在華經 ...全文


Online dating scams double in nine months

... a student visa and use social media to develop relationships with their victims. They would then start to swindle them of their money by asking for cash with excuses such hospitalization or lawsuits. ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-06

特朗普擬廢綠卡抽籤 斥「引狼入室」
強硬回應紐約恐襲 要求速處死疑兇

... Immigrant Visa),自1990年推行,目的讓美國的移民來源多元化,向移民美國比例較低的特定國家民眾 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global紐約恐襲2017年11月03日

Uber now offers a credit card

Uber has transformed the way you get around. Now it is getting into the credit card business. The ride-sharing company announced it has partnered with Barclays Bank on a new Visa card, which will be a ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-26

HKUST students launch domestic helper hiring app

... including visa application and purchase of insurance policies, Apple Daily reports. Employers and prospective employees can follow up on the progress of the documents online. The fees are half of what ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-26


渣打香港繼去年推出以飛行里數為主打的信用卡後,今年推出以現金回贈為主打的渣打Simply Cash Visa卡 ...全文


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