在中國不斷敦促美方停止泛化國家安全概念之際,美國參議院常設調查小組18日發布一份105頁的報告稱,中國20年來 ...全文
美國參議院委員會報告認為,該國政府部門對於中國招攬美國科研機構研究員以轉移知識產權,在應對上過於緩慢。 參議院 ...全文
Samsung’s plan to outsource a fifth of its smartphone production to China next year may help it compete with low-cost rivals such as Huawei and Xiaomi but it’s a strategy fraught with risks, people wi ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-18
Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is strongly considering entering the race for the 2020 US Democratic presidential nomination, a move that could greatly disrupt the field just three months ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-08
英國大選競選期於周三正式揭開序幕,但在野工黨當日即傳出不利消息。該黨副黨魁華德信(Tom Watson)宣布不 ...全文
由於美國就業數據和企業盈利均勝於預期,標指和納指上周五皆創日內及收市新高,道指離新高只有一步之遙。分析認為,1 ...全文
WhatsApp sued Israeli surveillance firm NSO Group, accusing it of helping government spies break into the phones of roughly 1,400 users across four continents in a hacking spree whose targets included ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-30
美國股市本周焦點是聯儲局公布議息結果。有債券基金經理認為,聯儲局不單止本周很可能調低基準利率,未來也將繼續減息 ...全文
US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Tom Cotton asked intelligence officials to investigate whether the popular Chinese-owned app TikTok poses national security risks, Reuters reports. ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-25