... investor visa applicants. Under its new program, any immigrant investor who has made a minimum investment of US$200,000 worth of bitcoins, or around 43 to 44 bitcoins based on the current conversion ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-23
... ,只使用信用卡付款(Visa / MasterCard),並沒使用其他支付系統。 接連兩次不明交易 多名市民在 ...全文
... ed a work visa, while those who are employed but violate the rule can face criminal prosecution or see their visa extension bids turned down. During the hearing, a judge doubted whether the live-in re ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-04
... nts. The “Visa Checkout” service, for example, enables customers to make online payments without having to re-enter their credit card information and shipping address every time. Some pizza stores in ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-29
... 商戶)。果真如此,連Visa及Master等信用卡機構今後都不再有存在價值。 註:以上嘉賓訪問均屬個人意見,與 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年09月29日
... dependent visa. In an unanimous decision by three judges, the court said the department failed to justify that its current policy on issuance of dependent visas is rational, and therefore constituted ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-26
... ntity for visa purposes or valid travel document. About 600 e-channels have been installed at various control points. Hong Kong residents enrolled for the Express e-Channel should re-enrol if they hav ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-25
... g holiday visa and could work in Hong Kong without any issues but was told he needed a Hong Kong ID in order to do any work. He expressed his regrets at the events, saying he has had quite a good rela ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-25
... payments, Visa organized the Visa Security Summit 2017 in South Korea earlier this year, with an aim to announce and underscore a number of initiatives in improving the user experience and payment sec ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-14
... 平衡保安與用戶體驗,Visa今年在韓國舉行的「Visa Security Summit 2017」,發布最新的 ...全文
The recent massive delays in the issuance of student visas by the British authorities have caught a lot of local parents and their children completely off guard. On Aug. 31, my Legco office received s ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-08
... (priority visa),以便於3至5天內辦妥簽證。因此,不少受影響的學生原本已預留足夠時間辦理簽證手續 ...全文
Chief Executive Carrie Lam joined calls for the British Home Office to expedite the processing of student visas for Hong Kong students who are still awaiting their travel documents even as the new aca ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-06
... 在香港不容易,要辦理visa(簽證),然後重新搵工作、認識朋友和尋找適合自己的食物。起初沒有錢,試過無錢搭車返 ...全文
... 5方,包括銀行,以及Visa、萬事達卡(MasterCard)等信用卡營運商。 在線科技亦鼓勵新人加入。在中國 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年09月01日
... t program visas. Canada is the second most popular citizenship destination, overtaking the United King. Australia is in fourth place globally. Interestingly, high net-worth individuals from China's So ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-29