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俄國22歲居港男模 欣賞本地傳統智慧

... 在香港不容易,要辦理visa(簽證),然後重新搵工作、認識朋友和尋找適合自己的食物。起初沒有錢,試過無錢搭車返 ...全文



... Cash Back Visa是重要增長動力;隨着零售市道回暖,該行信用卡在過去一季的零售簽賬額,按年錄得單位數 ...全文



... 然而今年能在15日內Visa到手的都只是極少數幸運兒。有家長7月上旬申請,8月尾仍未有回音。最叫人懊惱是無直接 ...全文


無現金革命 萬事達Visa續領風騷

... 5方,包括銀行,以及Visa、萬事達卡(MasterCard)等信用卡營運商。 在線科技亦鼓勵新人加入。在中國 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年09月01日

Why Malta, Thailand are good relocation options for China's rich

... t program visas. Canada is the second most popular citizenship destination, overtaking the United King. Australia is in fourth place globally. Interestingly, high net-worth individuals from China's So ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-29

Canada ramps up deportations amid growing migrant influx

... s after a visa requirement was lifted in December, was already 66 percent higher in the first eight months of 2017 than the total from the previous year, the news agency said. Deportations of Haitians ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-25

Infosys CEO quits, citing 'drumbeat of distractions'

... hanges to visa rules in the United States, its top market, that could hike costs and dent profits, Reuters noted. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-18

Priceline增長較慢 應感滿足

... 現金的機會,而非它與Visa之戰,或是與較新的支付公司的競爭。 以網上旅遊公司Priceline來說,公司將其 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年08月18日

HK urgently needs comprehensive law against human trafficking

... on a work visa a couple of years ago, only to find himself constantly abused by his employer both physically and verbally, and forced to toil for inhumanely long hours without getting paid. What ZN we ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-11

內地卡境外碌千元 提前本月下旬上報

... 產。 另外,支付公司Visa已向人民銀行遞交在中國建立銀行卡清算機構的申請,另外兩間同業萬事達及美國運通尚未遞 ...全文



金管局把4個涉及重大公眾利益的支付系統定為指定(designated)系統,即由Visa、Master、銀聯國 ...全文


China opening its doors to Filipino domestic helpers

... rict work visa system for foreign workers who want to enter mainland China. Philippine Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello said an estimated 200,000 Filipino domestic helpers are working illegally in Chin ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-31

High-speed rail link may attract more mainlanders to Hong Kong

... nvestment visa program in 2015. However, there are alternative ways for mainlanders to migrate to the city. Currently, mainland homebuyers in Hong Kong have to pay a 30 percent buyer stamp duty (BSD). ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-27

「夢想挑戰」考規劃人生 校際爭霸拚財商 聖言中學摘桂冠

... 各福群會為活動夥伴,Visa全力支持的「全港通識理財問答比賽2017」,上周六進行今屆比賽首設的「校際爭霸戰」 ...全文


Motorists to get more payment options for toll, tunnel fees

... pus card, Visa payWave, MasterCard Contactless and UnionPay QuickPass as new tap-to-pay systems will be installed. The rollout will be done in stages over a year until July 2018. Starting from July 23 ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-14

US asks nations to provide more traveler data or face sanctions

The US State Department will require all nations to provide extensive data to help it vet visa applicants and determine whether a traveler poses a terrorist threat, according to a cable obtained by Re ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-14


... 說一點都不陌生,根據Visa委託YouGov於今年1月完成的調查,八成四的香港受訪者表示曾使用過Visa pa ...全文

今日信報理財投資FinTech 脈搏2017年07月13日


... 安全性永遠不容妥協。Visa為支付的安全性作多層次的保障,以確保每一個交易都是可靠、安全及方便。其中,代碼化支 ...全文


1.5 million mainland migrants change Hong Kong

... ariety of visas. There are many ways to look at these new arrivals. One is to welcome them as completing families that were divided. Another is to say that their labor is needed because the city is ag ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-19

Mong Kok unrest defendant, 18, said to have fled to Taiwan

... a tourist visa and subsequently sought asylum.  It is said that she later asked New Power Party, the third biggest political party in Taiwan’s parliament, for help. To said he does not know what has h ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-09

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