... s such as Amazon Web Services, a unit of Amazon.com Inc.; Microsoft; and Alphabet Inc.’s Google. IBM said Red Hat will continue “to build and expand its partnerships, including those with major cloud ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-10
亞馬遜(Amazon)創辦人貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)6年前曾經嘲諷過被亞馬遜嚇怕的競爭對手,稱商業策略中 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年07月09日
... 及監管機構合作,包括Amazon Web Services、伊雲谷、眾安國際、金管局等,提供一系列金融科技培訓 ...全文
外電報道,英國政府競爭監管機構向亞馬遜(Amazon)和Deliveroo送達了一份初步執行令,以暫停這家電子 ...全文
... ect,將與亞馬遜(Amazon)、谷歌(Google)等雲服務供應商競爭;至於華為的物聯網通訊晶片,對手則是 ...全文
A federal appeals court ruled against Amazon.com Inc. in a case that could expose the online retailer to lawsuits from customers who buy defective products from third-party vendors through its website ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-04
... soft)及亞馬遜(Amazon)等巨擘亦正考慮加入撤出浪潮,令中國的科技產品製造國的地位受到威脅。 報道引述 ...全文
全球最大網上零售商亞馬遜(Amazon)計劃在總部所在地西雅圖的近郊地區貝爾維尤市(Bellevue), 興建 ...全文
... 遜的。 此文大字標題Amazon.bomb,睇好睇淡不言而喻。翻看內容,老畢既覺好笑,卻又不得不承認投資之難, ...全文
... 圈,去年推出支付平台Amazon Pay。 日本政府同樣力撐,批准納稅人利用LINE Pay繳付財產稅,7-1 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年07月04日
... ogle)、亞馬遜(Amazon)、索尼(Sony),以及任天堂也在考慮把部分遊戲機和智能音箱產能遷出中國。 ...全文
... s such as Amazon Echo and Google Home, it is expected that the demand for audio news will continue to rise in the next year. Meanwhile, nearly a third of the respondents indicated that they have avoid ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-02
... 然,這也是偉大企業如Amazon或Google所必備的。例如在某零售企業經營增長得不錯的時候,可能很少會發現舊 ...全文
對一般公司來說,最怕聽到的消息可能就是亞馬遜(Amazon)要進軍它們的行業。這家網上零售巨頭現在把目標對準總 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年06月28日
... ck Apple, Amazon and Google after steady gains in share price -- the company is well placed to make another go at the mobile market as the world ushers in the 5G era. The challenge will be huge, ye ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-26
FedEx posted quarterly profit that topped market expectations, but warned that US-China trade tensions and non-renewal of an Amazon contract will hurt its fiscal 2020 performance, Reuters reports. “Ou ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-26
... can beat Amazon in a specific area. Amazon has been aggressively expanding its pet supplies presence in recent years, and introduced store-brand pet supplies. However, Amazon still lags far behind. C ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-25