
共 1889 個結果
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Yuen Long attack victims file HK$2.7 mln lawsuit against police

... missioner Chris Tang Ping-keung, seeking damages for the alleged lapses of his officers in relation to the incident. At a press conference on Tuesday, the six-month anniversary of the mob attack, Lam ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-22


飾演漫威電影中「美國隊長」的演員基斯伊雲斯(Chris Evans)3個多月前曾在推特發文,提醒所有人都不應該 ...全文


Why we may see more walkouts by district officers at DC meetings

... missioner Chris Tang Ping-keung who was also attending that meeting, Susanne Wong Ho Wing-sze, the Central and Western DO, instantly walked out with the “Big Chief” and other officials as a protest. A ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-20

Chris Tang defiant as DC members grill him over police conduct

... rioters", Chris Tang Ping-keung said on Thursday, as he rejected accusations of police brutality and reiterated that the force had been the target of a smear campaign. At a meeting with members of the ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-17

Microsoft vows to erase its carbon footprint in climate push

...  Senators Chris Coons, a Democrat from Delaware, and Mike Braun, an Indiana Republican, applauded Microsoft. “The scope and scale of this proposal is exactly the kind of bold action we need from the b ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-17

Trump impeachment trial opens

... c Senator Chris Van Hollen, who sought the GAO investigation, said the findings undercut Republican arguments that there was nothing wrong with Trump’s action. “We now have a clear, lucid finding that ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-17

韓企愛用AI面試 見工補習班興起

... idas IT總經理Chris Jung解釋,AI可以一次檢測求職者多達37種不同能力,分析他對應徵職位的適合 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年01月15日

Police chief set to 'face off' with pan-dems at DC meeting

... f Police, Chris Tang Ping-keung, has decided to take it upon himself to go to the meetings to answer questions in order to set an example to the middle-ranking officers. Over the years, it has, in fac ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-14

私企破官方壟斷 掀航天革命

... oscale營運總裁Chris Blackerby指出,「作為一間私營公司、小型初創,我們希望提供比大公司或政 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年01月13日

衞星預先裝磁鐵 拖入大氣層燒毁

... 事件。該公司營運總裁Chris Blackerby早前接受本報訪問,提到作為一家特殊的垃圾處理公司,Astro ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年01月13日

澳洲山火惡化 25萬人急疏散
逾十億動物燒死 專家憂物種滅絕

... 悉尼大學教授迪克森(Chris Dickson)估計,有超過10億隻動物遭燒死,形容這已是「非常保守」的推算。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年01月11日

佩洛西遲遲未交彈劾條款 參院黨友失耐性

... 民主黨參議員庫恩斯(Chris Coons)表示,明白佩洛西擔心彈劾得不到公平處理,但現在是時候讓事情繼續。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年01月10日

Astroscale sees big role for itself amid commercial space race

...  entity,” Chris Blackerby, Astroscale’s group chief operating officer told EJ Insight. “As a private company, we can hopefully do things faster, less expensively; we can be more nimble and make decisi ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-07

Future industry: Astroscale aims to remove junk from space

...  debris,” Chris Blackerby, Astroscale’s group chief operating officer, told EJ Insight in an interview. “In our orbital environment, there are half a million pieces of debris that [are as small as] 1 ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-06


... 冊社工 [email protected]   [信 健康] 捍衛健康非難事,心理健康要留意!【更 ...全文



鄧炳強在灣仔鄧肇堅維多利亞官立中學讀書時,沒有想到自己普通的姓名和英文名字(Chris, Tang Ping ...全文

今日信報副刊文化玄來如此Master Lai 黎漢偉2020年01月04日


... kit首席商業分析師Chris Williamson稱,歐羅區產出分項指數從47.4降至46.1,跌幅為201 ...全文


工會擺街站吸成員 籲飲食界登記選民

... 業的會員。籌委會主席Chris矢言,工會不只關注政治議題,亦爭取勞工權益;單是昨天已有約20人即時入會,反應不 ...全文


Police chief says his officers have the support of many citizens

... missioner Chris Tang Ping-keung said the events of the past six months have been troubling. Some people "incite hatred for their self-interest" and encourage people, especially youngsters, to use viol ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-31

受惠「約翰遜反彈」 RBS股價暴漲

... WM行政總裁馬克斯(Chris Marks)及財務總監普萊斯(Richard Place)雙雙辭職。 RBS新 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年12月27日

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