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... 經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)於2009年發表報告,預料21世紀OECD成員國的人才,應該要掌握的三大關鍵能力 ...全文


陰霾罩全球 三招穩收益

... 經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)在11月9日再度調低對全球經濟增長的預測,這是3個月以來的第二次。該組織預計,全 ...全文


美國能源自足反恐鬆手 中日搭慣便車時日無多

... 都仍然依賴中東石油。OECD國家70%的石油是進口的,其中差不多三成來自中東;日本石油基本上全靠進口,其中83 ...全文


Should investors bet on Russia amid the economic crisis?

... e bottom. OECD expects Russia’s GDP will shrink by 4 percent this year and will only start growing by 1.6 percent in 2017. The European Commission also predicts Russia’s GDP will drop by 3.7 percent i ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-21

難民到來 雅典當災

難民在希臘小島萊斯沃斯(Lesbos)上遺下大批救生衣。經合組織(OECD)估計,歐羅區各國為處理難民問題,將 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global金錢圖譜2015年11月14日

高盛:恒指回試對上低位22300點 留意購25172沽27537

內地進出口數據遜於市場預期,加上經濟合作發展組織(OECD)下調今明兩年全球經濟增速預期,令市場再度掀起經濟放 ...全文


國際案例分析比賽 新加坡冠軍發揮獅城教育特色

... 經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)今年公布教育排名榜時指出,新加坡學生的數學、科學成績均位居世界榜首。吳多庚的興趣 ...全文



經合組織(OECD)3個月內第二度調低全球經濟預測,擔心新興市場增速放緩,會波及發達國家。 OECD昨天發表半 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年11月10日

道指曾挫242點 VIX急升

... 1.5%。經合組織(OECD)昨天調低2015年全球增長預測;加上中國貿易數據表現欠佳,已連續6周錄得整周升幅 ...全文



... 經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)會議,我們去講紡織服裝行業的在職調查,如何監控企業不要違反管治紀律、要善待員工等 ...全文



... 參加一個在南韓舉行的OECD人口會議,朴槿惠政府已經投入數十億美元,提升由原本兩歲,調高至為所有5歲以下兒童的 ...全文



... 。以前筆者在本欄提過OECD(經濟合作發展組織)在本世紀初曾經做過一個大規模研究,總結出當今世界一個人的基本素 ...全文


踢波踢出一國兩廁 強國強到心理崩潰

... 加坡的服務業比重,在OECD發達國家裏是相當標準的。中國大陸的服務業比重10年來有7個百分點左右的增加;但如果 ...全文


Nuclear power renaissance: the Russian experience

... istics of OECD showing that electricity generation costs for a nuclear power plant is 1.5 times less than a coal power plant and twice lower than wind energy. As he put it: "The strong side of nuclear ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-24

Should Hong Kong be proud of its free economy?

... ercent in OECD countries in the mid-2000s. Countries like France, Germany and the Netherlands have lower poverty rates for the elderly population than the average poverty ratio for the entire populati ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-22

No reason why the West should lose a decade

... aged. The OECD suggests secular stagnation is biting the West. In the US and Britain, actual real interest rates are only 1 percentage point below the neutral levels. In Japan, actual real rates have ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-06

Cash handout for everyone?

... el of the OECD member countries. The army of intelligent robots may crowd out average job hunters and high employment rate may become the new normal. The role of the government in the secondary alloca ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-27

How to mitigate slowing global growth

... ut in the OECD growing by 2.5 percent while the rest of the world’s GDP expands at a 3.8 percent rate – close to the precrisis average. But the long-term economic prospects of the global economy as a ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-11

Growth in developed countries continues to slow: OECD

Economic growth in developed countries slowed for the second straight quarter early this year, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said. The Paris-based OECD said the combined gr ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-27

HK in second place as Asia tops global school rankings

A global school league table from the OECD has put Asian nations in the top five spots, with Singapore taking the prime position and Hong Kong in the second place. The UK is in 20th place, among highe ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-13

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