
共 2866 個結果
頁數:1...54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 ...144

What the first 2018 home sale launch tells us about the market

There aren't too many eyebrows being raised as Sun Hung Kai Properties launches its first residential project in Ma On Shan that will see units priced at nearly HK$17,000 per square foot on average. C ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-04

Co-location: There is no legal solution, only political solution

... fitting a square peg into a round hole - a free society within a communist state. The system worked well in its infancy when China wanted to show the world its hands-off approach towards Hong Kong and ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-04

Paul Lam, Philip Dykes to square off in Bar Association election

... ykes will square off. Many in the legal circles expect that the race between Lam, who is aggressively seeking re-election as chairman, and Dykes, who is also working aggressively to unseat Lam in orde ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-02

Clashes mar New Year's Day protest at Civic Square

... ned Civic Square at the government headquarters in Admiralty. Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF), the organizer of the annual pro-democracy march, said the turnout was about 10,000, while police estimate ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-02

Mega bridge to Zhuhai/Macau opening: Nearly, but not yet

... f 658,000 square meters and parking spaces for 3,105 private cars and 2,054 electric motorcycles. The Hong Kong island has parking spaces for 650 vehicles. Fang Zhou, chief research officer at the Hon ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-02


上次寫完Bill Granger在倫敦Sloane Square的餐廳,然後才記得我忘了介紹他著名的早餐項目, ...全文



... e Harbour Square錄得首宗二手單位拆售個案,為23樓2室,建築面積約5235方呎,成交價7433 ...全文


The opposition has lost its sting. Will it lose its bite too?

... s back to square one, possibly even worse. Rules changes have made bad blood run even deeper between the opposition and establishment camps. With veto power back in its hands, the opposition could tak ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-21


... ea/Sloane Square,也是大富之家區,Sloane Ranger就是指當年初出道的戴安娜(王妃)之 ...全文



... Nine Elms Square一幅住宅用地,該地位於泰晤士河以南,主要計劃興建豪宅。 由於中國發展商收益率日 ...全文



... 場的新區Green Square近年大力發展,都直接或間接惠及馬斯科特樓市。 往市中心及海灘皆便捷 馬斯科特本 ...全文


China self-service gymbox operator said to raise US$30 mln

... about 200 square meters. The gymboxes, or workout spaces, operate 24 hours, seven days. No contract is needed to be signed for using these gym services. Users can just pay and book a session via WeCha ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

KC Chan disregards own warnings about property market risks

... r a 1,404-square-foot unit and two parking spots at Amber Garden, a 36-year-old estate. He was immediately ridiculed by the local press, which reminded him of his constant warnings about the risks of ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

The hypocrisy of Beijing party boss Cai Qi

... 0 million square meters and the eviction of 17,000 undocumented households across the capital back in October last year. In other words, if anything, the fire in the Daxing suburb in November only pro ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

Could container homes as a housing option work in Hong Kong?

...  span 480 square feet, making them about the same size as a standard Hong Kong flat. The price would be anything but standard, however: a single container home could sell for as little as HK$500,000, ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-13

What would every local startup buy after making big bucks?

... res 1,700 square feet and has four bedrooms, valued at over HK$19,360 per square foot. Both units belonged to the same seller who acquired them from developer Sino Land for HK$57.68 million in 2011. T ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-13

Tillerson proposes talks with North Korea without preconditions

... g to be a square table or a roundtable,” he said. “Then we can begin to lay out a map, a road map, of what we might be willing to work toward,” Tillerson said, suggesting that any initial contacts wou ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-13


... 試了在Sloane Square澳洲廚師Bill Granger掛頭牌的Granger & Co,下回 ...全文


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