Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. secretly helped North Korea build and maintain its commercial wireless network, the Washington Post reported on Monday, citing sources and internal documents. The Chinese ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-23
... 總監的楊德斌【圖】及TOM集團(02383)前首席執行官湯美娟等人助拳。 TOM前高層湯美娟助陣 楊德斌接受本 ...全文
電影《甜心先生》(Jerry Maguire)講述球員經理人的辛酸,由湯告魯斯(Tom Cruise)飾演的「 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年07月18日
Since the United Kingdom’s Department of International Development (DFID) was created 22 years ago, it has lifted millions out of poverty, sent millions of children to school, and saved millions of li ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-16
復星國際(00656) 最新進展公告 - 須予披露交易 - 有關本公司完成向Tom Tailor股東作出自願公 ...全文
「幾個月前當我購入大份額股份時,我批評董事會。今天我要作出少有的行為,就是讚揚董事會負責地及決斷地批准這次改變 ...全文
Britain’s ambassador to Washington quit on Wednesday after days of stinging criticism from US President Donald Trump, leading to accusations that Boris Johnson, the favorite to be the next British pri ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-11
略說三本遠在網絡時代來臨前出版、筆者認為是閒讀妙品的「辭書」。 ■「紐時」不是《紐時》,前者是News的諧譯, ...全文
美國億萬富豪佩羅特(Ross Perot)昨天因血癌病逝,終年89歲。他於1992及1996年兩度參與大選,被 ...全文
Recently, a friend brought to my attention an article in The Standard Newspaper. Written by someone who claims to have the interests of people at street level at heart, it was plainly intended to be a ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-02
... 中出任董事。長和旗下TOM集團(02383)有份投資的WeLab Digital,則邀得和黃前高層擔任獨董。 ...全文
去年11月才在美國全新下水的Celebrity Edge,自從今年5月於歐洲首航後,下半年都會繼續於歐洲航行, ...全文
英國前外相約翰遜(Boris Johnson)上周五在家中與女友激烈爭吵,意外牽動保守黨黨魁選情,他上周六出席 ...全文