Several big-name musicians voiced dismay that some of their recordings may have been among thousands of original masters that The New York Times Magazine reported were lost in the Universal Studios Ho ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-13
United Technologies agreed on Sunday to combine its aerospace business with US defense contractor Raytheon and create a new company worth about US$121 billion, Reuters reports. The deal, which marks t ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-10
TOM集團(02383) 根據上市規則第14.36條之公告 股東協議之補充協議有關延長可轉換貸款 (192KB ...全文
Donald Trump loves a good deal. Xi Jinping also likes a firm handshake. Yet both presidents are currently playing a cat-and-mouse game. Will the rivals, like Tom and Jerry of cartoon fame, keep invent ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-06
加拿大國會議員促請退休計劃投資局(CPPIB)沽售持有的兩間中國企業股份,指兩間公司可能與中國政府違反人權對付 ...全文
■英國人的名字(given name),大多源自非英語世界,而主要是套用《聖經》人物、古羅馬聖賢,當然亦有不少 ...全文
中美貿易糾紛繼續主導市場情緒,金融市場本周預料繼續隨貿易消息波動,投資者開始擔心如果貿易戰再拖延,美國及全球經 ...全文
由美國國會兩黨議員組成的一個小組提出一項立法,將為美國電訊供應商提供約7億美元補助款,彌補他們將華為設備移除產 ...全文
Prominent Brexit supporter Andrea Leadsom resigned from Prime Minister Theresa May’s government on Wednesday, piling pressure on the British leader after a new Brexit gambit backfired and fueled calls ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-23
美股上周五大跌後曾反彈,但到交易尾段傳出中美貿易談判完全陷入停頓的消息,導致股市最終低收。在中美貿易談判代表後 ...全文
A group of Republican lawmakers in the United States on Tuesday introduced legislation intended to prohibit anyone employed or sponsored by the Chinese military from receiving student or research visa ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-15
今年為包浩斯設計學院(Staatliches Bauhaus)的百年紀念,除了開創現代主義建築,其簡練實用的風 ...全文
TOM集團(02383) 根據上市規則 第13.13條及第13.16條之披露 提供融資 (302KB, PDF ...全文