... disorder (ADHD), while cases of depression and anxiety disorder make up the rest. In 2015/16, 12,589 new patients below the age of 18 received mental health treatment in public hospitals, up from the ...More
EJ Insight2017-04-19
... ,因為懷疑其女兒患上ADHD(Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Diso ...全文
... 無時停」而被確診患上ADHD(過度活躍與專注力失調症),更曾因私自駕駛電單車超速發生意外而導致受傷,自那時起, ...全文
... disorder (ADHD). However, these drugs have been found to make people become smarter. These drugs for treating ADHD could help enhance memory and cognition, and diminish fatigue and boost alertness. Mo ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-27
... 過度活躍症(簡稱成人ADHD)」有關。對於已踏入社會工作的成年患者來說,由於家人、朋友、同事、上司對病症不理解 ...全文
... 過度活躍症(以下簡稱ADHD)之中的「專注力不足型」。小朋友經用藥後,情況已大有改善,成績亦有明顯改進。 其實 ...全文
... 力不足及過度活躍症(ADHD),須長期服藥,向來遵守規則,以後也會捍衞公平競賽。 網壇姊妹花「大威」雲露絲(V ...全文
... disorder (ADHD). "I have ADHD and I have taken medicine for it since I was a kid," Biles said. "Please know, I believe in clean sport, have always followed the rules, and will continue to do so as fai ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-14
ADHD是成人專注力不足及過度活躍症簡稱,由腦內分泌物如去甲腎上腺素及多巴胺水平失調引致。患者容易分心及欠缺耐 ...全文
Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurobehavioral developmental disorder, and medication is the first and most important factor for its treatment. Regrettably, many paren ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-05