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新城廣播公布最新的年度「聖誕消費意欲及數碼消費體驗」調查,共訪問了6700多名年齡介乎18至65歲人士,結果顯 ...全文


谷歌夥花旗推支票賬戶 與蘋果競逐金融市場

搜尋引擎谷歌(Google)宣布與花旗銀行合作,明年推出支票賬戶服務。據美國CNBC電視台報道,谷歌的支票賬戶 ...全文


fb擬推支付服務Facebook Pay
整合IG WhatsApp 阻美監管拆骨

社交網站Facebook(fb)網誌周二公布,正在整合旗下所有平台,包括fb、Messenger、Instag ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月14日


歐盟前主席容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)【圖】周五向《南德意志報》(Süddeutsche Z ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月09日

歐盟關注Apple Pay支付市場競爭情況

歐盟競爭專員維斯塔格(Margrethe Vestager)表示,對於蘋果Apple Pay手機支付服務的市場 ...全文


Apple Pay in EU antitrust spotlight

Apple Inc. faces more regulatory woes in Europe as EU antitrust regulators ask online sales companies whether they have been told to use its mobile payment service instead of rival services, an EU doc ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-30

歐盟關注蘋果Apple Pay有否涉及壟斷

路透報道,歐盟反壟斷監管機構正詢問網購企業,以確定蘋果有否迫使企業必須使用Apple Pay支付服務,而不可使 ...全文


跳出Comfort Zone

好多人或許會認為蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)是千禧年代才成立的,其實不然。其已故創辦人喬布斯(Steve ...全文


蘋果夥高盛發卡 冀成吸金奇葩

蘋果為吸引顧客使用電子支付功能Apple Pay,出動「閃令令」的鈦金卡,與高盛(Goldman Sachs) ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年08月15日


蘋果公司行政總裁庫克(Tim Cook)上月證實,與高盛合作開發虛擬信用卡Apple Card,其專屬網站終在 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年08月08日

Apple, Goldman Sachs start issuing virtual credit cards

Apple Inc. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. rolled out a virtual credit card, which will help the iPhone maker diversify from device sales and also build out the Wall Street bank’s new consumer business, ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-07

蘋果與高盛聯手推信用卡Apple Card

蘋果與高盛周二聯手在美國推出虛擬信用卡Apple Card。此舉預料有助蘋果的業務進一步多元化。蘋果即市股價暫 ...全文


Apple Card禁用戶購加密貨幣

蘋果公司(Apple)與高盛合作開發的「Apple Card」,將於8月登場,雖然未有進一步透露確實日期,但根 ...全文


Has the iPhone become a burden for Apple?

Apple’s shares rose more than 4 percent in early trading on Wednesday as investors accepted the fact that iPhone is no longer the technology giant's crown jewel and that the company appears to have sh ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-01

How Stripe is building its payments infrastructure business

Stripe, a payments infrastructure firm, has been a rising star in the increasingly competitive world of online payments. Founded in 2010, the San Francisco-headquartered startup has said that it aims ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-24

Huawei rolling out new products to enhance user stickiness

Despite the potentially debilitating impact of the US embargo on its operations, Huawei Technologies has continued to develop new products as part of efforts to maintain its growth momentum globally. ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-17


現代人講求效率,最好一部手機有齊多樣功能。本地「果粉」望穿秋水,終於有望透過Apple Pay使用八達通。 料 ...全文


八達通將接通iPhone和Apple Watch

八達通卡有限公司表示,一向致力提供創新的支付服務,以配合客戶多元化支付需要,今年稍後客戶將可在iPhone或 ...全文


Why HK can expect Apple Pay support for Octopus card

Hong Kong people could soon be able to use link up their Octopus cards with Apple's mobile wallet system, allowing them added convenience in paying for a host of daily needs ranging from public transp ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-27


市場預計蘋果公司將於9月發布新一代iPhone及手機系統iOS 13,有傳新版系統或將開放讓用戶綁定八達通卡至 ...全文


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