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台首家Apple Store進駐台北

美國蘋果公司22日證實台灣首家Apple Store零售店將進駐台北市,並開始為該店招聘團隊,包括銷售工作、顧 ...全文


或進駐希慎廣場 毗鄰Apple Store

內地樂視(LeEco)擬豪灑千金在港開店,據消息人士透露,樂視擬開店賣手機、電視等終端,計劃選址在中環IFC或 ...全文



太古地產(01972)在北京最出名的地標物業是三里屯太古里,北京三里屯物業管理總經理余國安表示,該商場平日人流 ...全文



蘋果行政總裁庫克(Tim Cook)完成訪華行程後,本周將訪問印度,或將談及在當地開設專門店等事項,進一步滲透 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年05月18日

蘋果神話破滅 ?

蘋果公司日前公布截至3月底止季度業績,收入錄得13年來的首次倒退,下跌12.8%,至505億元(美元.下同); ...全文


Caught on CCTV: Female thief snaps up shopper's iPhone6 Plus

Police are looking for a woman caught on a surveillance camera stealing the iPhone of a shopper at a supermarket in Causeway Bay. The victim, surnamed Cheng, told police the incident took place around ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31


希慎(00014)去年盈利為29.03億元,按年下跌40.8%;撇除投資物業估值公平值變動,核心盈利為22.8 ...全文


How Amazon is changing the book publishing business

Books are still around, and will continue to be around in the future. But books will evolve, just as they always have ever since Gutenberg invented the movable type in 1450. Paper books will continue ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-25

What it takes to launch a fake Apple store in Shenzhen

Forget counterfeit iPhones, it's now entire fake Apple stores that the tech giant -- which is expected to unveil some new products at an event in the US on Wednesday -- has to contend with in China. I ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-09

Is Uber illegal or is the law too outdated?

Thanks to the "go slow" protest staged by local taxi drivers earlier this week, Uber is now the most popular app in Hong Kong, according to top app lists in Apple Store and Android's Play Store. On so ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-11

China's big stinky problem

China has an enormous feces problem, and it stinks. I'm not talking about mainland toddlers defecating at the Apple store in Beijing, in the bowels of the Shanghai Metro or anywhere they want to in Ho ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-03

iPhone Transformers never die

Poor “Apple Transformer”, the Hong Kong man whose robotic gait aroused the suspicion of security officers at the Huanggang Port Control Point. He was arrested after authorities discovered 94 units of ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-14

Why Tim Cook is such a happy man these days

Not too many top executives in the rapidly changing tech world can simply sit back and unwind like Tim Cook. Reason: Apple Inc. just had a strong quarter and its new products have been drawing rave re ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-23

China inspires bun fight over iPhone 6

It's a wild and woolly world out there for iPhone 6 fanatics -- and profiteers. The melee is being driven by China's craving for Apple Inc.'s blockbuster smartphone, with speculators from Hong Kong to ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-23

How about some Mahjong while queuing for iPhone 6?

How do you kill time as you camp out overnight in a long queue outside an Apple store, hoping to be among the first ones to land an iPhone 6? Well, how about playing some Mahjong! This is indeed what ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-19

HK fans prefer the bigger iPhone

Have you ordered your iPhone 6? Congratulations if you were able to. I didn't have much luck. There were just too many people trying to acquire Apple's latest models. And so after repeated attempts, I ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-12

China dropped from second batch of iPhone 6 launches

Mainland China is not included in Apple Inc.’s second round of initial launches of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, a development that could further boost cross-border demand for the new models. On Sept. 2 ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-12

Beijing's new weapon against Occupy Central: iPhone 6

Here's one kind of foreign intervention that Hong Kong would most certainly welcome. And forget about Occupy Central and universal suffrage. All these political discussions will have to give way to th ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-11

Alibaba launches Dots free on Taobao

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. will launch mobile game Dots on its online platform Taobao free of charge under an exclusive deal with its developer, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Friday. It is t ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-23

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