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Apple Card seen bolstering iPhone user loyalty

Apple has unveiled its plan to boost its service offerings amid slowing growth in iPhone sales.  On Monday company officials led by chief executive Tim Cook, along with top media and entertainment per ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-27

蘋果影視串流未定價 被批草率損形象
分析稱成效難料 質疑庫克屬「外行」

蘋果公司周一召開名為「好戲登場」(It's Show Time)的發布會,推出4項新服務,包括影視串流服務Ap ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月27日

限古令 vs Apple TV+

踏進科網世紀,影視娛樂不但未有被互聯網取代,反而隨着傳輸渠道、觀看平台和收入模式進化,變得愈來愈蓬勃,以美國蘋 ...全文


Apple unveils TV, gaming and credit card offerings

Apple Inc sought to reassert itself as an entertainment and financial services company that also makes iPhones as it launched a streaming television service, a credit card and an online gaming arcade. ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-26

蘋果Apple TV五月面世 可付費看電影

蘋果在2019年春季發布會上,宣布推出新的串流媒體服務,名為Apple TV Channels。同時推出名為A ...全文


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