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... 更同時批評那些忽略 COVID-19 的人,他們對於《反脆弱》一書的理解非常幼稚,並表示他的著作強調的是如何避 ...全文



... 面臨了許多挑戰,包括COVID-19大流行和政治動盪。有見及此,政府實施了一系列措施,支持受疫情影響的企業和行 ...全文


The World Bank in a new world

... s, as the COVID-19 pandemic pushed 70 million people into extreme poverty. If left unchecked, climate change could do the same to 132 million more by 2030. According to WBG estimates, the number of pe ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-18


... 社區再起波瀾,甚至是COVID-19施展「回馬槍」。回想2003年4月尾,SARS仍正處於高峰…… 20年來兩 ...全文


Repercussions of banking stress on the Asia-Pacific region

... uding the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war, and now US-banking sector stresses—has resulted in shifts in both the demand and supply of liquidity. The demand for liquidity has grown as the siz ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-12

Is globalization over?

... rupted by COVID-19 and the deepening Sino-American rivalry, other commentators have echoed this view, and many companies have begun “on-shoring” and “near-shoring” their procurement of goods. But it i ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-03

探索Art Deco文化

... 我猜中了。今次是我在COVID-19後,首次踏足巴黎,因此很想找一家新餐廳吃一餐,為此我游說女友:「省下酒店費 ...全文


Who gets squeezed by austerity?

When Edmundo, a waste picker in Peru, caught COVID-19, he had to take out a bank loan to pay for his visit to the clinic. Many of his colleagues also fell ill and subsequently went into debt, desperat ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-24

Waking up to the world’s water crisis

... , and the COVID-19 pandemic have understandably been in the spotlight, water is rarely discussed outside the context of humanitarian responses to local, national, or transboundary floods or droughts. ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-23


... OVID、post-COVID-19綜合症等等,此文內將統一使用「長新冠」一名。 長新冠並沒有標準的定義,世界 ...全文



... CoV-1,以及引起COVID-19的2019年SARS-CoV-2有緊密的基因進化關係。我們熱愛港大,所以總 ...全文


Reimagining development

The world is in the midst of a global permacrisis. As interrelated shocks – the war in Ukraine, the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, the escalating US-China rivalry, climate change, and a looming fin ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-22

拜登簽法案 解密新冠起源資訊

... 新冠病毒起源法案》(COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023),使之成為法律。拜登在聲明中強調, ...全文



... 一日、兩日遊。誰想到COVID-19出現,浪費了3年光陰。2月底之行,主要因不想浪費去年中臨時取消的Euros ...全文


疫下三載 5萬新冠保單獲賠9億
保險投訴去年607宗 COVID佔近一成

本港自2020年爆發新冠疫情(COVID-19)至今持續約3年時間,保險投訴局轄下保險索償投訴委員會(以下簡稱 ...全文


Risk management is the alpha for a time of uncertainty

... , China’s Covid-19 lockdowns stifled demand and choked production and Russia’s war against Ukraine sent energy and food prices skyrocketing. As the quantitative easing support programmes for markets f ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-16

A new era of McCarthyism

... whammy of COVID-19 and the broader geopolitical tectonic shifts in which they have been embroiled. A decade ago, Britain had pursued a so-called ‘Golden Era’ of relations with China – in ways and with ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-10

Evidence for equity

... efore the COVID-19 crisis, the world broadly adopted the most representative method for collecting household data: surveys. But the pandemic forced a shift toward phone-based surveys, which are less l ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-08


... 在,所有這些變化已因COVID-19疫情和烏克蘭戰爭而惡化。無論兩會要出台的經濟戰略是什麼,均必須能適應變化, ...全文


The climate security failure

... uring the COVID-19 pandemic, no one is safe until everyone is safe. Copyright: Project Syndicate-- Contact us at [email protected]   ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-06

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