Pokémon GO, the augmented reality mobile game that became an international sensation two years ago, is still very much around, although, unlike before, we now seldom see hundreds of people gathering i ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-26
... 遊戲Ingress和Pokémon GO等,則把AR這技術帶到普羅大眾眼前,它也可說是VR的延伸,把電腦製造的 ...全文
Niantic, the US firm best known for the Pokémon Go game, has announced the acquisition of yet another developer as it seeks to boost its strength in the augmented reality gaming business. The San Fran ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-18
... 擬結構,例如手機遊戲Pokémon GO就是使用這個技術,目前蘋果和對手Google正積極開發AR工具,以吸引 ...全文
... 氣「捉精靈」手機遊戲Pokémon GO有聯繫,反映任天堂計劃從Pokémon GO每月6500萬名活躍用家中 ...全文
任天堂今年推出共3款Switch版Pokémon新遊戲。 《華爾街日報》報道,其中一款新遊戲名為《Pokémo ...全文
... 。至2012年,成為Pokémon公司外部董事,2015年起先後擔任任天堂發展、行政和全球營銷部門主管,職務大 ...全文
... 老社長山內溥邀請擔任Pokémon公司社長,兩年後擢升為北美任天堂社長,有一定資歷。 由於君島不懂設計程式及創 ...全文
... 見得比兩年前任天堂的Pokémon GO好多少。 蘋果供應鏈股風光不再 蘋果大幅受惠於稅改,答應將把2000多 ...全文
Niantic Inc., the maker of the hit augmented-reality (AR) game Pokémon GO, has raised about US$200 million in new financing. The company's Series B round comes just weeks after it announced plans to r ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-28
繼上周宣布推出《哈利波特》擴增實境(AR)遊戲後,Pokémon GO開發商Niantic再有大動作,獲得2億 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年11月28日