... tflix和亞馬遜(Amazon)Prime Video的直接競爭,反映了挑戰這些現有的市場巨頭所面臨的成本問 ...全文
... ncent and Amazon have been betting big on a new retail model, which integrates offline and online channels. That has made brick-and-mortar retail assets valuable again. In November 2017, Alibaba paid ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-25
... ok、Google和Amazon作封面,寓意歐盟將以嚴厲監管降服矽谷科技巨擘,形勢發展下去究竟誰人得利? 歐盟 ...全文
... 分紐約勢力把亞馬遜(Amazon)趕出紐約的做法是一個錯誤。 與多年前的摩通一樣,現時科網巨企亦成為了廣泛候選 ...全文
... trailing Amazon which holds more than half the market share with its Echo devices. The gap between Amazon Echo and Google Home is huge, but it is interesting to note that the Google device is said to ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-14
... giants – Amazon and Google – excel at seamless, effortless omni-channel customer experiences. What boosts customer loyalty further with these companies is that, I, as the customer, can choose what ki ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-14
... Hulu and Amazon Prime. In line with the goal, Apple is investing in programming, including developing original TV shows, through partnerships with some studios and top celebrities. If the plans are ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-13
... ebook and Amazon has pushed international tax rules to the limit because they are able to book profits in low-tax countries rather than where their customers are located. Global reform of the rules ha ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-13
路透周一引述消息人士報道,全球電子商貿巨擘亞馬遜(Amazon)為回應美國議員對其定價政策反競爭的批評,決定放 ...全文
... 總統,將分拆亞馬遜(Amazon)、 Google和Facebook等美國規模最大的科技公司,以提高行業競爭, ...全文
... tflix and Amazon Prime Video. While there is a chance Apple will update its iPads or Apple TV devices later this month, the event is likely to be Apple’s first major media event in which hardware is ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-12
... 總統,將分拆亞馬遜(Amazon)、 Google和Facebook等美國規模最大的科技公司,以提高行業競爭。 ...全文