
共 2529 個結果
頁數:1...58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ...127

Huawei H1 revenue up 23% despite US sanctions

... as Google Android apps. According to data from Canalys, Huawei expanded its lead in China’s smartphone market in the second quarter, while overseas smartphones sales had a slight drop year-on-year. Th ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-30


... 個「大洞」。 被問及Android系統,梁華表示,如果美國政府允許,華為依然會在產品中優先選擇Android作 ...全文


How Apple is joining the 5G battle

... r against Android 5G devices in the market, and possibly prompt the rivals to adjust their product prices. As mobile operators start to deploy 5G networks, it is expected that they will need at least ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-30

小紅書回應「被下架」 稱正了解情況

內地電商網站「小紅書」的應用程式(App),據報疑被各大安卓(Android)應用商店下架。小紅書相關負責人向 ...全文


Qualcomm, Tencent to collaborate on gaming devices, 5G

... ized” for Android phones that run Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Elite gaming chips, the report said. The two firms have already worked together on a gaming phone. Earlier this month, Tencent paired with Asust ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-30

【信報月刊】逃犯條例蝴蝶效應 土地問題惡化

... 刊》 訂閲揭頁版下載Android揭頁版下載iOS揭頁版訂閱印刷版 ...全文


How Adyen quietly helps firms handle payments

... pple Pay, Android Pay, and other mobile payment methods. "Think about it, in the legacy [payment] world, where you had a gateway, and a processor, and a bank, information passes through all the differ ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-29

How Stripe is building its payments infrastructure business

... e Pay and Android Pay, and others. In January this year, Stripe raised US$100 million in a funding round that valued the company at US$22.5 billion. Heavyweight tech investor and PayPal co-founder Pet ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-24

Snap's Android fix, gender-changing lens boost users

Snap Inc.’s Snapchat beat analysts’ estimates for user growth and revenue, getting a boost from a better version of its Android app and the launch of new augmented reality photo lenses, Reuters report ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-24

「魔法照片」印度竄紅 美圖飆三成

... ,在泰國等國家亦位處Android影像分類榜榜首。 據美圖介紹,「魔法照片」功能採用AR(擴增實境)技術,把照 ...全文


港股成交逾兩周低 內房弱 美圖成奇葩

... ,在泰國等國家仍位處Android影像分類榜榜首。 平安證券(00231):早前有高層人事變動,股價突爆升1. ...全文


What to expect from Apple's 2019 iPhones

... ded in an Android phone stayed in the Android ecosystem. In China, while iPhone XR is still a best-seller due to its lower price, the fact is that Apple may lose its competitiveness in the market as C ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-23

【異動股】美圖爆升逾一成二 印度活躍用戶大增

... ,在泰國等國家仍位處Android影像分類榜榜首。 最新推出的《360選股器》助您篩選心水股,歡迎免費試用。 ...全文


新產品僅73克 質素超越大廠

... der,用戶通過連接Android系統,即可透過其屏幕,觀看影片、玩AR遊戲等。公司計劃於今年10月推出最新第 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年07月19日

騰訊獲瑞信唱好 目標469元

... 出騰訊可能提高遊戲於Android平台發放的渠道分成,同時遊戲變現有望進一步提升,瑞信預計騰訊去年至2021年 ...全文


Why Apple is boosting iPhone production in India

...  percent. Android phone makers dominate the scene, with Chinese brands such as Xiaomi, OnePlus, Huawei and Oppo and Korean rival Samsung lording over the high-growth sector in the South Asian nation. ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-16


... 「鴻蒙」來替代安卓(Android),梁華指出,「鴻蒙」是為物聯網開發的作業系統,也會提供具有競爭力的應用支撐 ...全文



中國電訊設備商華為董事長梁華表示,該公司依然把安卓(Android)等開放原始碼的系統,作為華為手機作業系統的 ...全文


大市觀望格局 物管股卻有勢

... 意提高旗下遊戲在內地Android手機遊戲商店上架後的收入分成,由原本50%上調至70%,部分手機品牌尚未接納 ...全文


港股止連跌收彈88點 觀望鮑威爾國會作證

... 藍籌大致向上,傳要求Android遊戲分成70%的騰訊(00700),收市升1.7%;工行(01398)漲0. ...全文


頁數:1...58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ...127

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