
共 2866 個結果
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Hong Kong needs new thinking

... uring 188 square feet was recently sold for HK$5.18 million. Something is terribly wrong with Hong Kong’s housing market when car parks are bigger than the 160 square foot flats some developers are bu ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-29

Hong Kong needs new thinking

... uring 188 square feet was recently sold for HK$5.18 mil ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2017年06月29日


... 當年位於China Square的店舖。當日老闆Don Lim亦在場,除了蟹粉,他極力推介雞批及印尼千層蛋糕。 ...全文


Calls mount for Beijing to unconditionally release Liu Xiaobo

... Tiananmen Square protests in 1989 and a 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner, was jailed for 11 years in 2009 on subversion charges for co-writing a manifesto aimed at bringing about a more democratic system ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-28

Who will be Hong Kong's real boss: Carrie Lam or still CY Leung?

... led Civic Square at the Central Government Offices in Admiralty, two Lam initiatives. And in the dying days of his administration, Leung continued to pursue several programs, such as Hong Kong's parti ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-28

CNT spinoff deal: Time to remember late tycoon Tsui Tsin-tong

... of 60,000 square meters in Shenzhen. The land currently serves as factory property, but its use could be changed for residential purpose, making it potentially worth a lot more. Amid this situation, s ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-28

An engineering marvel taking shape beneath Victoria Harbor

...  from one square to another. It is not. The MTR Corp. has started tunneling – or more precisely, brick-laying – beneath the harbor for the HK$80 billion, 17-kilometer Shatin to Central Link that will ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-28

可持續食材 鯖魚紅椰菜撻

... 氣浩大的餐廳The Square,與國際級知名大廚James Martin、Michael Caines和Ga ...全文


Australia spy planes to join fight against IS in Philippines

... f about 1 square kilometer. That figures is less than the estimated 400 or 500 fighters who seized the city on May 23. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-23

折衷理想與現實 精神食糧加飲食

... loomsbury Square)便在左近,「文化氣息」甚濃;與倫大著名的「亞非(東方與非洲)學院」大概只有百 ...全文


Public housing units see spaces shrink as govt focuses on supply

... fered 398 square feet in average space in 2014, down from 417 sq ft in 2004 and compared with 465 sq ft in 1994. One good example that shows how public home residents have to put up with smaller space ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-20


... 引入先進的支付,比如Square公司的便攜信用卡刷卡器,然後以「商務諮詢」的名義給客戶開收據,是的,有些公司能 ...全文


One Manhattan Square九成享河景

... Manhattan Square,由美國龍頭地產商Extell Development Company發展,樓 ...全文


樓價按年漲近兩成 勢變翻版蘇豪

... Manhattan Square,80層高,前臨東河,為目前區內最貴的新盤,部分單位售價逾4000萬美元(約3 ...全文


$150億加元城市規劃 多倫多樓市持續強勁

... 們手上最新項目 M Square。項目獨特之處是一睡房單位價格只由 $20餘萬加幣起,還贈送車位及儲物室,原因 ...全文


Parking lot at Western District property sold for HK$5.18 mln

... rs or 188 square feet, translates into HK$27,600 per square foot, making it more expensive that some of the new residential units in the market. For example, an entry-level flat at Tak Bo Garden in Ko ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-14

Fate of Kowloon City Plaza tied to HK's economic ups and downs

... f 630,000 square feet. It quickly became a key shopping and recreational facility for residents in the district. Back in those days, many foreign visitors would do last-minute shopping at Kowloon City ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-14

交通便捷 優渥生活品味 東倫敦全新住宅Aberfeldy Village矚目登場

... Trafalgar Square之間的3條通宵巴士線。由項目乘地鐵前往金絲雀碼頭只需4分鐘,乘搭輕鐵往倫敦金融 ...全文


Fellows Square罕有屋苑式分層

... A的Fellows Square,由3座5至6層高住宅大廈組成,提供117個單位,最近來港展銷。 位於Edgw ...全文


墨爾本Southbank最大型綜合發展項目 坐落於區內唯一生活購物中心上蓋

... Melbourne Square(MSQ),將大大改善區內配套不足的問題,成為該區新地標,並帶動樓價向上。MS ...全文


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