The T Plus property development project in Hong Kong's Tuen Mun district is said to have almost sold out all the units on offer last weekend after drawing several thousand cheques from prospective hom ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-17
兒童推理小說家厲河撰寫了10年的「大偵探福爾摩斯」圖書系列,以科學推理探案,配合大量生動插圖,深受小朋友喜愛, ...全文
... 記協澄清申證有門檻 電視廣播有限公司集團行政總裁李寶安昨向全體員工發內部電郵,指無綫成為磨心是「意料之內、心裏 ...全文
Miss Hong Kong is a ticket to fame and fortune. Winners of the annual beauty pageant, which was established in 1973, usually end up marrying some rich guy and living in luxury. They certainly don't en ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-15
德國紙巾品牌得寶香港公司(Tempo Hong Kong)在Facebook官方賬戶上發聲明表示,Tempo上 ...全文
... 收到約1.2萬宗涉及電視廣播(00511)(TVB)的投訴,主要涉及該公司就《逃犯條例》修訂和其他有關事件的新 ...全文
近日市場對香港寶礦力水特抽起無綫電視(TVB)廣告事件持續發酵,電視廣播(00511)發聲明稱,昨晚有一份偽造 ...全文
Television Broadcasts Ltd, Hong Kong's largest free-to-air TV station, said on Wednesday that “a small number” of advertisers have decided to "defer" their campaigns or "reschedule" ad bookings with t ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-11
... 被指偏頗 形象受損 電視廣播(00511)昨日股價收報13.28元,微跌1%,成交金額只有238萬元,市值58 ...全文
... 「特別管理股權」。 電視廣播(00511)大股東黎瑞剛旗下華人文化有份投資的「華爾街見聞」,上月被監管機構要求 ...全文