
共 1664 個結果
頁數:1...64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ...84

Europe's Dutch turning point

... political vision and leadership, this year’s elections could be a political watershed: the moment when the Union finally begins to pursue in earnest the integration and reform that it so desperately n ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-22


... 00億美元視野基金(Vision Fund);屆時,WeWork估值將升至約180億美元。 WeWork向小企 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年03月22日


... 技界選委團隊「IT Vision」公布,其中27名選委將投票予曾俊華,餘下3名選委王嘉屏、陳澤滔及王百羽仍未決 ...全文


Reforms stall ahead of party congress

In the breakfast room, a large television was broadcasting interviews and announcements from China’s parliament, the National People’s Congress, whose annual meeting had closed the day before. As they ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-17


... 'd say my vision of happiness is a mother holding healt ...全文


Cataract patient, 92, has eye removed after bacterial infection

...  that his vision had deteriorated. He was sent to the United Christian Hospital where his right eye was removed even as his condition worsened, endangering his life. Tam Kam-tim, executive director of ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-10

孫正義愛冒險 新基金路走偏

... 軟銀牽頭的視野基金(Vision Fund)。軟銀當初承諾投入該基金250億美元,意味這次注資已經佔了其中三分 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年03月10日


... (SoftBank Vision Fund),雙方已接近達成協議,穆巴達拉願意出資150億美元,但希望視野基金 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年03月09日

Saudi Aramco to list locally and abroad next year

...  known as Vision 2030, to diversify the economy away from oil. Up to 5 percent of the world's largest oil producer is likely to be listed on both the Saudi stock exchange in Riyadh and on one or more ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-07

林鄭稱願交流 曾俊華撐拳王

... 」。 林鄭不赴IT Vision論壇 林鄭稱自己的政綱是可以落實的政綱未來3星期將爭取出席更多同台辯論機會讓市 ...全文



... 要投資科技行業的軟銀Vision Fund,預計基金總額為1000億元,軟銀注入250億元,沙地阿拉伯主權基金 ...全文


The three Trumps

... ds a dark vision of a coming war of civilizations. By raising fear to the highest possible level, Trump aims to create a violent America-first nationalism. Hermann Göring chillingly explained the form ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-02

Snap valued at US$24 bln after raising US$3.4 bln in IPO

... th in the vision of its co-founder Evan Spiegel, whom it introduced in its investor roadshow as a "once-in-a-generation founder". The 26-year-old will walk away with a roughly 17 percent stake valued ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-02


... (SoftBank Vision Fund),目標集資金額達1000億美元(約7800億港元),該基金吸引鴻海 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年03月01日

Education sector: Why we are backing John Tsang

... n Tsang's vision for education is the most thorough and comprehensive. For example, he has promised to spend 4-5 percent of GDP on education once elected and allocate an additional HK$5 billion or mor ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-24


... 技界選委團隊「IT Vision」成員方保僑表示,團隊原希望部分成員留作「救兵」,但始終要作提名決定;又指由公 ...全文


Will John Tsang suffer from split in democratic camp?

... ith Woo's vision on political reform and enactment of anti-subversion legislation under Article 23 of the Basic Law, as well as his proposal to enact a legislation on Article 22 of the Basic Law, whic ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-21

Time to rethink our policy on road traffic

... 's tunnel vision and lack of long-term strategic planning. Ironically, even though the government has been spending tens of billions of dollars fixing and maintaining our roads over the past 20 years, ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-21


... 委, 30名「IT Vision」選委會面後宣布已有5人提名曾俊華、5人提名胡國興,另外10多人會作策略性提名 ...全文


Zuckerberg issues manifesto in fight against rising isolationism

Facebook Inc. chief executive Mark Zuckerberg laid out a vision of his company as a bulwark against rising isolationism, saying the world's largest social network could be the "social infrastructure" ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-17

頁數:1...64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ...84

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