
共 1410 個結果
頁數:1...63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

Why making money from stocks won't be easy this year

Some analysts view the 8-9 price-earnings multiple offered by the benchmark Hang Seng Index as evidence that stocks are cheap now in Hong Kong. However, not everyone agrees with this notion.  Among th ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31

now TV盒子睇Netflix 與樂視爭客

本地電視大戰開始,電盈(00008)旗下收費電視now TV及樂視昨天分別舉行記者會,「晒冷」節目搶客。now ...全文


下周三啟播 ViuTV台長諷TVB廣告貴

電盈(00008)旗下全新免費電視台ViuTV下周三(6日)開台啟播,台長魯庭暉【圖】昨天透露,ViuTV開台 ...全文


潤電業績遜 恐牽連股息

... 所提供的分部業績,火電盈利219億元,增長17%,可再生能源盈利26.71億元,增長8.2%,煤炭銷售虧損40 ...全文


ViuTV谷開台 首波送500電視機

電盈(00008)旗下全新免費電視台ViuTV將於4月6日開台,該台正密鑼緊鼓造勢,第一波是在3月26至27日 ...全文



... x攻港,短短3個月,電盈(00008)及電視廣播亦推煲劇apps,連同HMV,本地市場將有多達6間OTT公司激 ...全文



電訊盈科(00008)出資成立的免費電視台ViuTV將於4月啟播,電盈集團董事總經理施立偉(BG Sriniv ...全文



... 近乘勢進軍香港,並與電盈(00008)旗下nowTV達成合作協議。nowTV昨天公布,由今年第二季開始,透過n ...全文


警錯告有線 判付懲罰性訟費

警方早前入稟高等法院,要求有線寬頻通訊等5家傳媒機構,交出前年佔領運動期間,拍攝到公民黨成員曾健超懷疑向警察潑 ...全文


now TV推4K盒子

電盈(00008)旗下的now TV與香港電訊(06823)旗下網上行合作推出4K電視盒子「Now One」。 ...全文


ViuTV台長魯庭暉 初生犢膽博膽鬥巨人

... 會在朋友飯局中,偶遇電盈(00008)主席李澤楷,言談間雙方一拍即合。魯庭暉表示向來對所有人說話都一樣,「覺得 ...全文



... 電視上觀賞激戰,事關電盈(00008)旗下nowTV剛宣布,成為今年賽事的大會指定廣播機構。 ViuTV免費播 ...全文


Judge rejects DOJ bid on video of cops 'beating up' protester

A High Court judge rejected a request from the Department of Justice to compel media outfits to submit unedited footage of the alleged beating of a pro-democracy activist during the Occupy protests in ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-09

Get ready for mobile red packets

As the Lunar New Year approaches, the queues at the bank are getting longer for people who want to get fresh dollar notes to give away during the festive season. Giving away lai see is such a heartwar ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-03

Investors should reshuffle their portfolio in first half

The Hong Kong and mainland equity markets have seen little excitement before the Lunar New Year holidays. Investors should adopt a strategy that is both defensive and offensive to outperform the bench ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-02

ATV pressed to pay HK$416,000 in MPF contributions

The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority has filed a writ with District Court demanding that Asia Television Ltd. pay HK$416,000 (US$53,214) in employer's MPF contributions for October last year ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-20

January is not a good time to enter the market so what to do?

The Hang Seng Index is down 9 percent, or more than 2,000 points, in the first six trading days of the year while the China Enterprise Index is off 11.8 percent. That means most investors have suffere ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-12

How investors can prepare for the year-end

The Hong Kong market has been fairly volatile in the second half of this year. Investors are waiting for the first US rate hike in nearly nine years. I hope stocks enjoy a good uptick in the latter ha ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-15

Evergrande the super shopper just can't stop buying

In every boom market, a super player emerges with enough cash to spend on eye-popping deals. The Carrian Group in the 1980s, China Everbright during the red-chip frenzy and PCCW at the height of the i ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-03

How to bottom-hunt during a market correction

It’s hard to find an attractive place to invest amid terrorist attacks in France, a doubling of deposits for margin trading by Chinese stockbrokers, falling US consumer confidence and a sluggish econo ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-17

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