
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 ...150

Hong Kong government capitulates to Beijing office

... er of the Apple Daily. They, and 13 others, many former legislators, were charged with “organizing and participating in unlawful assemblies” on various days during the months-long protests in 2019. Al ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-20


... read)及蘋果撻(Apple Tart)的步驟。愛爾蘭蘇打麵包的食譜來自倫敦Roganic,由餐廳其中一位愛 ...全文


谷歌傳研推簽賬卡Google Card

蘋果公司於去年發表Apple Card信用卡後,科企巨頭谷歌(Google)亦計劃發行Google Card。 ...全文



... ft、Google及Apple等企業有能力盡快修補保安漏洞。希望Zoom能夠盡快修補保安漏洞,讓用戶安心使用。 ...全文


【異動板塊】手機股回勇 郭明錤稱電子A股可反彈逾三至六成

... 預期,A股電子股尤其Apple產業鏈與半導體股份,有望在4月全面反彈,料回升幅度達30至60%,因過去兩周全球 ...全文



... Alphabet)及Apple股票成為股東「型格」的表現,趕在Facebook及Instagram出post公 ...全文


開市焦點:美股次季開局插近千點 港股勢低開逾五百點

... 外電報道,蘋果公司(Apple)主要供應商鴻海集團向投資者保證,有能力確保讓蘋果按計劃在今年秋季發布新一代iP ...全文



外電報道,蘋果公司(Apple)主要供應商鴻海集團向投資者保證,有能力確保讓蘋果按計劃在今年秋季發布新一代iP ...全文


Zoom rides high amid coronavirus lockdowns

... r market, Apple's Facetime video call app has become very popular among iPhone users. The app, which is simple to use and comes free of cost, helped drive the penetration of personal video conferencin ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-31

Global smartphone market hit hard by Covid-19 outbreak

... e period. Apple, however, saw its shipment tumble 37.5 percent to only 10 million units; most of its iPhones are produced in Foxconn’s plants in mainland China. Chinese brands Xiaomi, Huawei, OPPO and ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-25

黑天鵝常在 維他奶低負債可加分

... 幅增長。從Nike到Apple如是,在飲品業亦然。為了讓商譽提升,同業如可口可樂便出盡法寶,曾在獅城推出Hug ...全文



... 納新用戶外,可能要學Apple TV+將部分新電影或電視劇變成收費節目。 足不出戶的情況下,煲劇後還有什麼作為 ...全文


蘋果推新iPad Pro 11吋售價6399元

... 過,蘋果早前宣布全球Apple Store關門至3月27日,美國更是無限期關門,意味大多數對產品感興趣的客戶可 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年03月19日

Alipay support would be good for Apple's payments service

Apple has been pushing its mobile payment service Apple Pay globally in a bid to enhance user "stickiness" on its platform and explore new revenue streams from app-enabled transactions. The efforts co ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-17

EV maker BYD making 5 million masks a day to fight virus

... idiary of Apple Inc. partner Foxconn, have refitted production lines to make masks and medical clothing to meet surging demand. SGMW, a Guangxi-based joint venture of General Motors, SAIC Motor (60010 ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13

Apple reopens all its branded stores in China

Apple Inc. has reopened all 42 of its branded stores in China, more than a month after they were shut due to fears over the coronavirus outbreak, Reuters reports, citing a notice on the iPhone maker’s ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13

Huawei faces a tough battle amid global 5G rollout

... msung and Apple. Last year, Huawei sold around 240 million smartphones, surpassing Apple to become the second-largest player in the industry. However, the company has lost momentum recently as its new ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-11


... 蘋果原計劃3月下旬在Apple Park總部舉辦發布會,甚至有媒體已確認這次發布會時間是本月31日。業內普遍認 ...全文


Wall Street clobbered as crude plummets, virus crisis deepens

... aircraft. Apple Inc. shares fell 7.9 percent after data showed the company sold fewer than 500,000 smartphones in China in February amid the coronavirus crisis. Chipmakers registered their largest dro ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-10

Oil plunges 30% after Saudi Arabia slashes prices

... rger than Apple Inc.’s payout, which is among the biggest for an S&P 500 company. – Contact us at [email protected] CG (Updated; last posted at 7:58 a.m.) ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

頁數:1...66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 ...150

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