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... be number one」。 ...全文


恒地兩盤包攬65% One Innovale天天開單

... 家,旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第3期One Innovale–Cabanna及大角咀利奧坊第4期 ...全文


The second green revolution will be digitized

Farming is one of the world’s oldest and most far-reaching endeavors. Meeting the growing food demands of the global population – projected to reach ten billion by 2050 – amid accelerating climate cha ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-25

Why this debt-ceiling fight is different

... ) to postpone America’s day of reckoning until early June. Raising the US debt ceiling does not mean that the government has decided to increase spending. It means only that the government will honor ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-24

Alphabet全球裁員6% 歷來最大規模

... 公司Capital One已裁減了逾1100個科技職位,受影響員工可申請其他工作崗位。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年01月21日

35新盤春節優惠 3年最積極
恒地25項目響應 瓏碧豪派20.8萬元利是

... 期熱賣的粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第3期One Innovale–Cabanna及大角咀利奧坊第4期 ...全文


鄰近大學及商業區 年輕華人青睞

... al Park,首期One Central Park於2014年獲Council on Tall Buildi ...全文


Capital One據報裁員1100人

路透引述熟悉情況的消息人士報道,隨着數字轉型工作的成熟,美國信用卡巨頭第一資本金融(Capital One F ...全文


Sleepwalking on megathreat mountain

... of loose monetary and fiscal policies. Where once interest rates were too low – or even negative – they have now been rising fast, driving up borrowing costs and creating the risk of cascading debt cr ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-20


... 電影是常有的事,比如One Piece(《海賊王》與《多啦A夢》(前稱《叮噹》)系列至今仍不斷推出新創的劇場版 ...全文


Bouncing into the Chinese Year of the Rabbit

... tabilises.One of our areas of focus is on the electrification of transportation, which includes batteries used in electric vehicles. The structural outlook for this sector remains positively charged. ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-19

Is 2023 a year of expensive travel?

... d travel. One close friend who originally planned to stay in Taipei for one week had found a better hotel bargain in Hong Kong. Accordingly, the room rate shot up four times to HK$8,000 per night from ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-18

Environmental performance of old buildings needs to be improved

...  methods, one is prefabrication of modules. Recently, the Secretary for Housing said that this method would be adopted more frequently to speed up the construction of public housing. But using prefabr ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-18

China’s autocracy in crisis

Until fairly recently, Chinese President Xi Jinping touted his zero-COVID policy as proof that authoritarian one-party states like China are better equipped to deal with pandemics (or any other crisis ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-18

加強支付驗證 與詐騙罪犯鬥智鬥力

... 俱增,一次性密碼 (One Time Password,OTP) 因而創建。此服務僅於配備 3D Secure ...全文


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