蘋果iPhone手機近年已內置近場通信(NFC)功能,主要用於Apple Pay流動支付。然而,這項技術還有很 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年06月19日
蘋果將在二○一九年夏天在美國推出Apple Card,年底之前,會擴展至全球四十國。找高盛光頭CEO DJ合作 ...全文
近年電子支付成為日常生活主流,電子錢包花多眼亂,三星香港留意到消費電子化的趨勢,兩三年前已推出Samsung ...全文
Having been in the market for more than four years, Apple Pay has seen its usage rise in the United States and several overseas markets such as Hong Kong. However, there's still a huge room for the se ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-16
Apple Pay在2014年推出,至今已經有4年多,在全球多個國家支援不同的信用卡,包括Visa、Maste ...全文
Apple has unveiled its plan to boost its service offerings amid slowing growth in iPhone sales. On Monday company officials led by chief executive Tim Cook, along with top media and entertainment per ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-27
蘋果公布,今年夏季夥拍高盛和萬事達卡(Mastercard),發行蘋果史上首張信用卡Apple Card。高盛 ...全文
Apple Inc sought to reassert itself as an entertainment and financial services company that also makes iPhones as it launched a streaming television service, a credit card and an online gaming arcade. ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-26
蘋果行政總裁庫克在2019年春季發布會上,宣布推出名為「Apple Card」的實體信用卡,用戶可無限額地獲得 ...全文
數據分析公司Statista發布的「2019中國科技巨頭」調查報告顯示,支付寶為內地最受歡迎的電子支付工具,微 ...全文
Hongkongers now have various ways to pay for goods and services – cash, credit card or Octopus card. But when they shop online at Alibaba’s Taobao or Tmall, they prefer to use the Alipay mobile wallet ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-12
Announcing its results for the three months to December, which marks the firm's fiscal first quarter, Apple on Tuesday revealed a 15 percent slide in iPhone revenue compared to the year-ago period. Wi ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-31
美國蘋果公司周二在紐約舉行產品發布會,推出全新的iPad Pro和MacBook系列產品。iPad Pro配備 ...全文