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... 州一名華裔醫學研究員Bing Liu周末遇害,身中多槍死亡,陳屍匹茲堡地區家中,疑兇疑吞槍自殺。Bing Li ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年05月07日

微軟上季利潤收入勝預期 股價市後上揚

... face、Xbox與Bing在內的個人電腦業務上季收入升1.6%至132.1億美元,優於預期的128.5億美元 ...全文



...  Scallion Bing + Fa Diu Liver Pate葱油餅+花雕雞肝醬(88元)。 Shelt ...全文


Government paralysis continues after electoral debacle

... ny Cheung Bing-leung – a cabinet member in the last administration – are warning that it cannot replace a commission with statutory powers that can require people to appear and give evidence. Since th ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-02

Why the Nov 24 election has become all the more important

... ny Cheung Bing-leung, former housing and transport secretary: and Allan Zeman, chairman of the Lan Kwai Fong Group. “It cannot be cancelled due to the disruption caused by people with ulterior motives ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-13

Ex-govt officials, business leaders urge no delay in DC polls

... ny Cheung Bing-leung, former security chief Peter Lai Hing-ling, law professor Johannes Chan Man-mun from the University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce chief executive Shirley ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-13

LinkedIn叫好不叫座 微軟買貴貨

... 利。雖然旗下搜尋引擎Bing成為笑柄,卻應用於四分之一美國桌面電腦;企業通訊工具Microsoft Teams ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年11月13日


微軟努力了十五年,搜索引擎市場仍然久攻不下,最近悄悄地在一篇博客文章,宣布將Bing改名為「企業搜索引擎」。對 ...全文



... 為陳炳陽(CHEN BING YANG)。 ...全文


How Carrie Lam could have avoided frequent misjudgements

... ny Cheung Bing-leung, have tried to talk Lam into overhauling her cabinet. Among other noted and respected public figures, Joseph Ha Chi-shing, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kon ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-30

HK crisis: Lessons from the past

... ny Cheung Bing-leung devised a long-term housing development strategy under which he planned to provide an average 47,000 new homes per year over the coming decade. Yet throughout Leung’s term in offi ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-19

透過網絡種樹 鍵盤戰士救地球

... ia,以微軟搜尋引擎Bing的搜尋數據作基底,再加上自家的演算法(algorithm)改良搜尋結果。 Ecos ...全文


Lam invites prominent figures to discuss dialogue platform

... ny Cheung Bing-leung. Also invited were Education University of Hong Kong president Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung; Hong Kong Baptist University president Professor Roland Chin Tai-hong; Cardinal ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-22

再吸資34億 鞏固內容王國 知乎引入快手百度

... Google、百度與Bing的技術專家,致力打造一個「通用搜尋引擎」。惟據路透報道,這搜尋器跟其他對手一樣,仍 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年08月14日


... 兵(LI XIAO BING),與中國已故領導人鄧小平外甥女栗小兵及其夫俞一平姓名相同。 原業主於2012年1 ...全文


Hong Kong blues

... ny Cheung Bing-leung, currently Chair Professor of Public Administration at the Education University of Hong Kong. Two gentlemen who know of what they speak. There can be no valid justification for re ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-16

Ex-officials urge fugitive bill full withdrawal, June 12 probe

... ny Cheung Bing-leung also suggested setting up such panel, but added that the panel’s work should not be expanded to the whole matter of extradition law amendments. Attending RTHK’s City Forum on Sund ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-24

Govt should focus on winning the public's trust

... ny Cheung Bing-leung has raised some important points in a recent article published in the Hong Kong Economic Journal. In his article, Cheung noted that the new generation doesn't buy into the governm ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-19


... 買家為郭冰(GUO BING)。 ...全文



... ,今晚的《小小仁小小BING》音樂會,台下便有各種特殊需要、不同年齡的觀眾,所以當有人因為有些朋友團興奮而忽然 ...全文


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