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挪威郵輪(Norwegian Cruise Line)發盈警,預期今年首季將有虧損。公司又指對未來能否繼續經營 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年05月06日

挪威郵輪傳委高盛 研配股集資

路透引述消息人士稱,全球第三大郵輪集團、挪威郵輪(Norwegian Cruise Line)聘請高盛為顧問, ...全文



... 航》(Jungle Cruise)則押後到2021年7月30日才上畫。原本5月初獻映的《黑寡婦》(Black ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年04月06日

China's asymptomatic Covid-19 carriers raise infection fears

...  Princess cruise ship outbreak showed that 33 of the 104 infected passengers remained asymptomatic even after an average of 10 days of observation at the Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital in Japan. ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-25

Japan says Tokyo Olympics may be postponed due to coronavirus

... se from a cruise ship that was quarantined near Tokyo last month and returnees on chartered flights from China, a tally by public broadcaster NHK showed. Abe said all travelers from the United States, ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-23

Trump says he would support govt taking stake in certain firms

... lping the cruise ship industry. We probably will be helping the hotel industry.” The White House did not immediately respond when asked if purchasing shares in battered companies was really under cons ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-20

US eyes aid for airlines amid coronavirus fallout

... , hotels, cruise ships, more SBA lending, more liquidity, some type of stimulus,” he added. Delta Air Lines Inc. on Sunday said it will halt service to London from Detroit and Dublin flights from New ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-16


全球兩大郵輪集團包括挪威郵輪(Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings),以及皇家加勒比郵 ...全文


Coronavirus-hit Princess Cruises to suspend operations

Princess Cruises, the operator of two ocean liners that were quarantined after they became hotbeds for coronavirus infections, said it will suspend the voyages of all its 18 ships for two months, Reut ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13


... 星湯告魯斯(Tom Cruise)本來在意大利水鄉威尼斯拍攝《職業特工隊7》,惟當地疫情愈來愈嚴重,劇組全面停 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年03月13日

Time for government to enhance its publicity efforts

... board the cruise ship Diamond Princess in Yokohama and those stranded in Wuhan, as well as the well-built quarantine facilities across the city. Some people might say these are things that any decent ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-12

Five new cases bring confirmed Covid-19 infections in HK to 120

...  Princess cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan, had been a confirmed patient before she was discharged after treatment in Japan and returned to Hong Kong on March 7. Although she remained asymptomati ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-11

US companies rush to hoard cash

From Exxon Mobil Corp. to Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., companies rushed to borrow more money and boost their cash coffers on Tuesday, as the market turmoil fueled by a plunge in oil prices and the gl ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-11

Italy under lockdown as death toll soars

...  to avoid cruise ships, air travel and big public gatherings. US President Donald Trump, who continued to play down the threat posed by the flu-like virus, said he would announce economic measures on ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-10

US coronavirus cases soar to 550 with 22 deaths

...  get on a cruise ship,” Fauci said on Meet the Press. US Surgeon General Jerome Adams told CNN that case numbers would rise, adding that the average age of death for people with the virus was 80, and ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

Everyone must do their bit to defeat Covid-19

The novel coronavirus appears more contagious than SARS. In just three weeks, the number of people with Covid-19 aboard the cruise ship Diamond Princess soared to more than 600 as of late February. Bu ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-06

Sayonara, Japan -- for now

...  Princess cruise-ship that had been quarantined off Yokohama. With authorities still grappling with containing the outbreak, the question now is whether Tokyo can host the Olympics as per schedule, fr ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-06

Coronavirus death toll hits 12 in US; more states report cases

... kits to a cruise liner idled off the coast of California and barred from docking in San Francisco after at least 35 people developed flu-like symptoms aboard the ship, which has been linked to two oth ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-06

California declares state of emergency over coronavirus

...  Princess cruise ship to Mexico from San Francisco. “Preliminary understanding from the contact investigation is that this patient had minimal community exposure between returning from the cruise and ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-05

Virus toll rises in Seattle area as US pushes for more testing

...  Princess cruise ship previously quarantined in Japan or from the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the global outbreak originated. The number of presumed cases reported by states but not yet officially co ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-03

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