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東方明珠石油(00632) 延遲發送通函或其他文件 / 關連交易 / 資本重組 / 根據特定授權發行股份

... -建議由Noble Pioneer Limited認購新股; (3)建議股本重組; (4)建議變更每手買賣單位 ...全文


Justice chief's husband fined for unauthorized pool at home

... ad been a pioneer in Hong Kong’s engineering sector and made great contributions to the city in the fields of environment and sustainable development, with multiple awards and having no criminal convi ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-24

東方明珠石油(00632) 關連交易 / 《收購守則》所指的受要約公司刊發的公告 / 《收購守則》所指的要約公司刊發的公告 / 股權...更多

... -建議由Noble Pioneer Limited認購新股; 3 可能由富榮證券集團代表新華石油(香港)有限公 ...全文


How technology can help address the challenge of water shortage

... as been a pioneer in the use of the system among government departments at the time. GIS is used to collect, combine, and process spatial data pertaining to the water supply network and data from fiel ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-16

Overly aggressive practices fuel collapse of China P2P platforms

... nown as a pioneer of such microcredit concept. Yunus founded Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, which acts as a platform to help farmers lend and borrow from one another, thus enabling local villagers to get ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-09

Cities for the people

... rway is a pioneer in this area. Finally, to fund these investments, cities need stable revenue sources. Too often, cities fail to tap the full potential of land-based financing, especially property ta ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-09

波斯富街地舖易手 造價2.75億每呎13萬

... 冊公司ACTIVE PIONEER LIMITED以2.75億元購入,呎價約13.0952萬元。 據了解,上址 ...全文


SSF plan to cut BoCom stake seen boosting China financial sector

...  act as a pioneer in this round of reform. HSBC bought its stake in the bank in 2004, and initially planned to increase its holdings further, though that didn’t materialize because of the foreign owne ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-08


... 頭連接。     Pioneer Rayz Rally揚聲器 Apple裝置專用,配備Lightning接口 ...全文


科技升級 智能手機配件

... 時,Apple專用的Pioneer Rayz Rally迷你揚聲器正是好選擇。小方形機身有Lightning插 ...全文



近年財困的日本電子公司先鋒(Pioneer)周五宣布,接受投資基金公司霸菱亞洲投資(Baring Privat ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年12月08日

中期少賺13% 派息17美仙

... 易達今年8月完成收購Pioneer Corporation位於馬來西亞的生產設施。他表示,集團3年前已考慮在馬 ...全文



... 率下降約5.2%;及Pioneer Investment Limited墊付為數1.25億元的貸款按年利率5% ...全文


Ofo calls for self-regulation of HK bike-sharing industry

... strong. A pioneer in the bike-sharing industry, Beijing-based ofo has found a robust market since it entered the city last December. “Ofo alone facilitates an average of one ride every eight seconds [ ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-19

Fiber optics pioneer and Nobel laureate Charles Kao dies at 84

... " for his pioneering research and development work in the field, had served as vice-chancellor of CUHK between 1987 and 1996. Born in Shanghai in 1933, Kao moved to Taiwan with his family when he was ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-24

Blockchain sector shifting to less heady growth: Buterin

... eader and pioneer in the blockchain industry. In the conference, Buterin explained that the days of explosive growth in the blockchain industry have likely come and gone, and the next step for the ind ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-10

海航子企債 再遲8周贖回

... A EcoTech Pioneer Acquisition把所持旗下海航科技投資(02086)悉數74.75% ...全文



海航科技投資(02086)宣布,控股股東HNA EcoTech Pioneer Acquisition將近2. ...全文


不當操控網上價格 歐罰4電器商10億

... 萬歐羅,而日本先鋒(Pioneer)則被罰1020萬歐羅。罰款原本更高,惟歐盟委員會稱,由於它們全部坦承違法及 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年07月26日

Philips, Asus, two others hit with EU e-commerce fines

EU antitrust regulators on Tuesday announced penalties totaling 111.2 million euros (US$130 million) on Philips, Asus, Pioneer and Denon & Marantz for alleged breach of competition rules. The cons ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-25

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