
共 1632 個結果
頁數:1...67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 ...82

Europe grapples with Brexit hangover

... orse. A revisionist Russia has become more assertive not just in Ukraine but also in the Baltics and the Balkans. And the consequences of the continuing turmoil in the Middle East are at least twofold ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-02

Turkish democracy’s secret weapon

... ndational vision of enabling economic mobility – that is another story. Importantly, as Erdoğan seeks to concentrate more powers in the office of the president, he would do well to remind himself of t ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-27

Fox News chief Ailes resigns amid sexual harassment claims

... shared my vision of a great and independent television organization and executed it brilliantly over 20 great years." Fox News Channel went on the air in 1996, just before Bill Clinton was elected to ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-22


... ai N 2025 Vision Gran Turismo,作為一部超級賽車,它絕對令人驚喜。 作為台上的主角 ...全文


Masayoshi Son shows business acumen in ARM deal

... own Son’s vision for the technology sector in the next 20 years. Softbank cashed out its stake in Supercell and acquired ARM, which goes quite well with Son’s investment philosophy. Son believes the i ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-20

Why Softbank couldn't wait to land ARM

... are Son’s vision and excitement. Softbank shares plunged 10 percent Tuesday, bouncing back marginally this morning. -- Contact us at [email protected] RA ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-20

Fast Retailing faces a tough time from Chinese copycats

... arnings revision this year, from a previous projection made in April for 60 billion yen profit. The Japanese yen has jumped over 22 percent against the US dollar this year. The currency appreciation h ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-15

Why young investors are turning to US stocks

... stly lack vision and are short term profit-driven. But US entrepreneurs have a mission," Adia says. Giving an example, Adia pointed out that "when Yahoo offered US$1.7 billion to buy Facebook, Mark Zu ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-15


... ,文化政策講求願景(Vision),香港未來的文化發展,到底是要為香港經濟再創奇蹟,文化生財,還是如黃文所言, ...全文


細膩畫質 LG OLED TV系列

... 司採用的Dolby Vision HDR格式,享受完整、細緻入微的OLED HDR體驗,包括更深層的圖像渲染、 ...全文


How EU can beat Europe's rabid nationalists

... dical new vision for effective governance. Otherwise, the nationalist cancer will spread. To begin with, the remaining EU countries must now uphold European law and push for a quick and clean divorce. ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-08


... 維一派的naked vision︰ 征蓬出漢塞,歸雁入胡天。 大漠孤煙直,長河落日圓。 余孤陋,竟不識中研院史 ...全文


Tuen Mun Hospital faces questions over cataract surgery patient

... why Lee's vision did not improve after the treatment, Wan said. -- Contact us at [email protected] EL/AC/RC ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-05


... the Varia Vision In-Sight Display 和每隻899元的航空手錶D2™ Bravo ...全文



... 經視頻服務Real Vision訪問時稱,中國近年大舉放貸,造成全球歷史上最嚴重的宏觀失衡情況。他預計,銀行業 ...全文


扭轉學校營運危機 實踐篇(二)

... rship and vision)、提高期望(raising expectations)、優質教學(bette ...全文


Chinese jailed for smuggling US military hardware

A Chinese national has been sentenced to 30 months in a US prison for smuggling or trying to smuggle to China high-tech US military hardware, the US Justice Department said Wednesday. Night vision and ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-30


... ope網站的Our Vision頁:http://openeurope.org.uk/today/vision ...全文


百年一遇 未來霸主 BMW Vision Next 100 concept

... 「下一個百年概念」的Vision Next 100 concept;與其說這是一部房車,不如說是智能大玩具。講 ...全文


In defence of acting endeavors

...  creative vision of the human condition. The craft of acting requires the ability to empathize and express. It is both an intellectual and emotional pursuit. I believe the mindset of those who questi ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-27

頁數:1...67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 ...82

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