戴Sir每周都向鐵哥們介紹「國情特色用語」,日本每年則會選出10大流行語,2015年10大之中的「爆買」就與中 ...全文
... 市盈率23.4倍,與青啤(00168)相近,價格合理。 交易有待中國商務部審查,准許百威英博收購南非米勒後方可 ...全文
港股在2015年除夕日只得半日市。市場假期氣氛濃厚,港股缺乏方向,收市反覆靠穩,惟全周計仍跌1%。從大市指標角 ...全文
The stock market through train between Hong Kong and mainland China which starts today is being called a once-in-a-decade policy-driven bonanza. Mainland retail investors that meet the 500,000 yuan (U ...More
EJ Insight2014-11-17
Take a hot, humid summer and throw in a beer -- you get the kind of numbers investors drink to. In the case of China Resources Enterprise (CRE) (00291.HK), it was a 36 percent increase in third-quarte ...More
EJ Insight2013-11-18
Carlsberg A/S is considering acquiring Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd. (600600.CN) and Beijing Yanjing Brewery Co. Ltd. (000729.CN) as it steps up its expansion in Asia, Bloomberg News reported late Monday, ...More
EJ Insight2013-11-12