
共 2529 個結果
頁數:1...74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ...127

Pokémon GO will now reward you for breaking a sweat

... le Fit on Android gadgets. Another good thing about Adventure Sync is that it will continue to monitor the steps a player takes even when the app is turned off. So, there you go, Pokémon GO is not suc ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-26

Google否認包庇涉性騷擾高層 兩年炒48人

... Google高層、有Android之父美譽的魯賓(Andy Rubin),雖涉及不當行為指控,仍獲得9000萬 ...全文


蘋果三星故意加快手機淘汰 遭意國罰款

... 機型Note7設計的Android新版作業系統,結果造成Note 4速度變慢。蘋果則促使iPhone 6手機用 ...全文


Portuguese app store Aptoide wins court battle against Google

... on of the Android operating system and services that run on it, to allow competitors like Aptoide to compete with Google apps. "We believe this may apply to other situations where Google has competiti ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-23

與歐洲軟件商Aptoide訴訟 谷歌獲判敗訴

... 擎公司,不可以在使用Android平台的手機用戶未同意下,隨意移除其應用軟件。 Aptoide行政總裁Paul ...全文



... 報書報攤」應用程式(Android版本、iOS版本) ...全文


Google to charge Android partners up to US$40 per device: report

...  Google’s Android operating system, the company announced last week. The fee can be as low as US$2.50 and rises depending on the country and device size, the person said. It is standard across manufac ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-22

歐售智能機預載GSM 每部最高授權費312元

美國科技網站The Verge最新報道,日後在歐洲出售的Android裝置,如要預載「Google行動服務軟體 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年10月22日

Will black technologies boost Huawei Mate 20 sales?

... nd run on Android 9.0 combined with the company's own software. Interestingly, Mate 20 has a 6.53-inch screen while the more advanced Mate 20 Pro has a smaller 6.35-inch screen. It would be tough for ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-19


... Branson、發明Android系統的Andy Rubin都宣布不會出席。 孫正義牽頭的軟銀願景基金,規模達 ...全文



... 87%的利潤。也就是Android手機雖然佔市場八成,但只能分享13%的利潤。那麼才滿10歲的智能手機,是不是 ...全文


亂世投資之道 《信月》專家教路

... on2/ejm 下載Android揭頁版︰http://bit.ly/androidhkej 下載iOS揭頁版 ...全文


花旗認衰 削瑞聲科技目標29%

... 同時也認為,瑞聲可從Android手機新設計中受益,而中國四大智慧手機品牌市佔率擴大對集團2019年收益提供支 ...全文


10月號:亂世投資 避險四招

... 《信報財經月刊》下載Android揭頁版 下載iOS揭頁版 ...影片



... 器監視器),並可使用Android應用程式的QNX車用資訊娛樂系統(In-Vehicle Infotainme ...全文

今日信報理財投資宏觀視野Mike Ding2018年10月12日

Can Google Pixel 3 take on other Android flagships?

... s various Android phone makers in the market. The renewed efforts come after Google snapped up the bulk of the smartphone design unit of Taiwanese tech firm HTC and brought the phone hardware busines ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-11

WhatsApp says it has fixed video call security bug

... Apple and Android smartphones, was discovered in late August and was fixed by Facebook in early October. “We routinely engage with security researchers from around the world to ensure WhatsApp remains ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-11

多款新產品齊亮相 抗衡蘋果亞馬遜

... 提電腦,作業系統加入Android元素的Chrome OS系統,與蘋果iPad Pro及微軟Surface P ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年10月11日

First round of fines under new EU privacy law seen by year-end

... s popular Android mobile operating system to thwart rivals. “We have now filed our appeal of the EC’s Android decision at the General Court of the EU,” Google said in an email. It had previously said ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-10


... 是在3個月前,就谷歌Android流動平台作出不利對手設定而作出上述處罰。谷歌指出,已經就有關裁決,向歐盟普通 ...全文


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