... e week as Apple removed the HKmap.live app, which crowdsources the locations of police and protesters, from its app store, the report noted. Apple pulled the app after coming under fire from Chinese s ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-11
Apple has removed from its app store an application, HKmap.live, which protesters in Hong Kong have used to track police movements, saying the app violated its rules. The move came after the US tech g ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-10
... long with Apple's AirPods, Apple Watch and HomePod, and smart speakers from Amazon and Google, failed to win a reprieve from the 10 percent US tariff that started from Sept. 1. Fitbit did not reveal t ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-10
... challenge Apple and Google's Android in the market with Windows smartphones under the Lumia brand. Microsoft finally quit the business by selling it back to Nokia. "Surface Duo does much more than mak ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-09
外電報道,蘋果(Apple)將部分iPhone上的青天白日滿地紅旗表情符號(Emoji)下架。 報道指出,在香 ...全文
Apple Inc.'s chief executive Tim Cook has weighed in against launching an Apple cryptocurrency, saying in remarks published on Thursday that companies should not be trying to gain power by establishin ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-04
... 一,標準車型追加可容Apple CarPlay/Android Auto介面的多媒體系統,至於偵測警示系統也屬 ...全文
... etails of Apple iPhone users’ internet browsing data by bypassing privacy settings on the Safari browser between June 2011 and February 2012. London’s High Court ruled in October 2018 that Google’s al ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-03
... e 11的定價,以及Apple TV+流媒體服務。 今年5月,美國最高法院批准一宗持續8年的反壟斷案在下級法院 ...全文
... itbit and Apple Watch, they measure customers’ activity and reward them with discounts on their insurance or other offers. Others are using new technologies to provide new services for customers. For ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-30
... s such as Apple and Amazon, had sued the government over this practice. Stahlkopf said Microsoft has limited information on this specific case, but said the customer has thousands of employees. “Based ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-26
蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)在官網宣布,旗下中國清潔能源基金的第一筆投資,包含位於湖南及湖北的3座風力發電 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年09月26日
Apple Daily condemned the attack by four masked men on one of its reporters and her sister while they were having dinner in Kwun Tong on Tuesday. The reporter left the newspaper headquarters in Tseung ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-25
Huawei Technologies has surpassed Apple in global shipments to become the world's second-largest smartphone maker in the past quarter. But many Chinese smartphone users still prefer the American brand ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-25
... ssistant, Apple's Siri and Samsung's Bixby. Google was said to have been approached by Amazon but only over the weekend, giving it a very small time frame to evaluate the proposal. “We just heard abou ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-25
... imilar to Apple Arcade, Apple's gaming subscription service for mobile devices and desktop computer, Reuters reports. Google's Play Pass will be available on Android devices in the United States this ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-24