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... 」是種Can do spirit,在興建社區隔離設施時,她與其團隊本着「一路做一路解決問題」的「方艙精神」,在 ...全文



... 神(founder Spirit),接近沒有可能傳承到我們這一代的專業經理人身上。 家族成員:以我所理解,創辦 ...全文



... aftsman's Spirit)是一種職業精神的理念,包括職業上的能力、道德和品質。過去以工業為主要經濟支柱 ...全文


籃球啟發人生 學懂拚搏團結

... 未必發揮到team spirit(團隊精神)」,何出此言?「講真,港隊出到去都係畀人……佢哋(球員)可以表演到 ...全文



美國廉航Frontier再次上調對同業Spirit的收購價,冀阻止另一同業JetBlue搶親。Frontier ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年06月27日

JetBlue調高Spirit收購價 交易規模達288億

美國廉航集團JetBlue再度提高收購同業Spirit的作價,令到交易價值升至37億美元(288.6億港元)。 ...全文


Banking as a Service: A fast and economic route to market

... aborative spirit of open banking. With the right approach, BaaS can offer benefits to all parties, but the biggest winner is the customer who benefits from a better, integrated experience. While much ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-17

Stop blaming the Russian soul

... e samurai spirit and “feudalism.” After World War II, the US occupation authorities banned symptoms of this alleged disease, such as Kabuki plays, swordfight dramas, and even images of the hallowed Mo ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-09


美國廉航JetBlue加大力度搶親,以說服同業Spirit的股東拒絕與另一廉航Frontier的合併方案。已對 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年06月07日

The IMF is still behind the times on capital controls

... phold the spirit of its founders. Co-author: Jonathan D. Ostry is a former deputy director at the IMF. Copyright: Project Syndicate-- Contact us at [email protected]   ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-18

美航空業併購戰 JetBlue擬敵意購Spirit

美國地區航空公司JetBlue周一對廉航Spirit提出敵意收購,交易涉及總值33億美元,並促請Spirit股 ...全文


Reinventing Paris

... lutionary spirit that lies at the heart of the French capital. Missika was well aware of this tension – and he refused to pick a side. Given his background, this should perhaps not be surprising. Born ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-09

Soft power after Ukraine

... ffered to spirit him out of the country, he famously replied that he needed ammunition, not a ride. Zelensky’s prior experience as a television actor has served him well. With his informal attire and ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-05

尼古拉斯基治 戲劇人生

... st Rider: Spirit of Vengeance)的一席話,竟然在現實中一語成讖。男人輸身家,通常離 ...全文



美國航空業爆收購戰,廉價航空公司JetBlue宣布斥資36億美元(折合約280.8億港元)向同業Spirit ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年04月07日

Use of technology in dementia care

...  show the spirit of mutual help and love, so that we can build a caring and inclusive society together. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-04

The anatomy of the net-zero transition

...  newfound spirit of cooperation. Many questions remain unanswered, including who pays, and how much, for what. But, with the proliferation of net-zero pledges, the search for solutions has more moment ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-15

Mother Hubbard Hong Kong

... Hong Kong spirit? Mere mention of a lockdown and the supermarkets look as though they have been hit by a cloud of locusts. It does not induce a sense of calm when official announcements about whether ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-10

Deriving value from Japan’s ESG potential

... i or “the spirit of a corporation” where individuals and organizations live and work together for a common good. As a result, the good practices of taking care of employees and communities have a long ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-01


... )、美航(AAL)及Spirit Airlines(SAVE)分別抽高6%、7.6%、4.2%、8.1%和4. ...全文


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