... ternal disunity in recent years. The last time France recalled its ambassador to Italy was back in 1940, when Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini swept to power in Rome and then aligned himself with Naz ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-13
... n the community. During the protest, participants shouted slogans to voice their dissatisfaction with multiple decisions taken by the government last year. Among other criticism, they dubbed the Lanta ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-02
... National Unity Front led by the BNP, had called on the Election Commission to order a fresh vote under a neutral administration “as soon as possible”, alleging Sunday’s poll was flawed. At least 17 ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-31
... (National Unity Front)對抗執政黨,但81歲聯盟領袖、拉赫曼昔日盟友侯賽因(Kamal H ...全文
... 「團結號」(VSS Unity)太空船昨天早上7時(香港時間昨天晚上11時)成功從洛杉磯以北的沙漠升空,當時載 ...全文
... s for the unity of the kingdom and determine whether London keeps its place as one of the top two global financial centers. Supporters of Brexit admit there may be some short-term pain for the economy ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-13
... s for the unity of the United Kingdom and determine whether London can keep its place as one of the top two global financial centers. The British pound, which has lost 25 cents against the US dollar s ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-12
... s for the unity of the United Kingdom and determine whether London can keep its place as one of the top two global financial centers. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-11
... 「團結號」(VSS Unity)太空船,在高空跟母艦機翼分離後,再在短短8秒時間內,爆發至時速3700公里,預 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年12月04日
... ecedented unity in both the March 11 and Nov. 25 by-elections. Meanwhile, in stark contrast, the opposition has been plagued by intense divisions and infighting. Worse still, even old pan-democratic " ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-29
... f African Unity(OAU)聲討西班牙政府,要其停止殖民政策,把加那利群島歸還非洲所有。但西班牙政 ...全文
... e “ethnic unity”, these officials visit Uighur families, and live in their homes for a week at a time, eat with them, and instruct them on Communist Party directives. According to the Lowy Institute, ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-13
... national unity of Germany, thereby it hopes Germany to take the same attitude to China. Germany needs to realize that the ‘Taiwan independence’ secessionist activities on its soil would disrupt and h ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-01
... national unity of Germany, thereby it hopes Germany to ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2018年11月01日
... call for unity rang “hollow” because of his past statements condoning acts of violence. Last week, Trump, who has joined other Republicans in accusing Democrats of encouraging “mob” tactics, heaped p ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-25
... about the unity of the pro-democracy camp. That said, no matter how the episode is going to play out, we believe the election prospects of the pan-dems on Nov. 25 are anything but promising. This arti ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-04
... uraged disunity of the country. “The draft resolution is based on serious but unverified accusations and recommendations of the FFM that could even endanger the national unity of the country,” he said ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-28
... ing done. Unity is absolutely critical,” Turnbull told reporters in Canberra. Labor wasted no time in moving a no-confidence motion against Turnbull in parliament, which could have triggered an electi ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-21
... phasizing unity of all ethnic groups, as distinct from “the Chinese people of all nationalities,” which stresses diversity. Historically, China was invaded and ruled for hundreds of years by outsiders ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-12