... it,” said Chris Carter, portfolio manager for the Buffalo Growth Fund. Still, Snap proponents argue a more limited user base lends itself more loyalty and opportunity for the company to make money. Sn ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-17
... 澤西州州長克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)、佛羅里達州前州長傑布布殊(Jeb Bush)和俄亥俄州州長 ...全文
... k首席經濟師魯帕奇(Chris Rupkey)表示,特朗普能否保持美國經濟活力,有待時間考證,要挽回九十年代已 ...全文
... governor Chris Patten. He told the BBC’s Newsnight program that the UK government was turning its back on the Hong Kong and selling its honor for trade deals with Beijing. It was not upholding the 19 ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-01
... retary of Chris Patten, colonial Hong Kong's last governor who had never been on sound terms with Beijing. Others say Tsang didn't take any bold actions throughout his tenure as the financial secretar ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-18
... e專研公共財政的學者Chris Edwards指出,當政府面對財赤時花費近15億美元作公關費用是相對奢侈的行為 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野凌劍豪2017年01月14日
You need to prepare well for hiking or trekking challenges. First of all, you must be adequately equipped. Here's a checklist: 1) Footwear. Hiking shoes should be made of breathable and lightweight ma ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-13
美國電動車生產商Tesla周二表示,蘋果公司資深軟件工程師拉特納(Chris Lattner)【圖】將過檔該公 ...全文
... 。 《魔獸戰車》導演Chris Wedge的成名作是《冰河世紀》,編劇則是《功夫熊貓》的Jonathan Ai ...全文
... 中國資深記者儲百亮(Chris Buckley)一家當年被迫離開中國,新任命的潘公凱(Pan Philip)亦 ...全文
... 理仕國際資本市場主管Chris Brett表示,目前香港投資者約有45億元(英鎊.下同)的資金瞄準倫敦,是國際 ...全文
... 終考驗,亦為彭定康(Chris Patten)最近於訪港期間在演說之中,闡釋民主政府運作時提出的關鍵所在;實行 ...全文
... governor Chris Patten. After the handover, he occupied various government posts, including customs commissioner, commerce secretary and director of the Office of the Chief Executive under Donald Tsan ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-12
... 表現也真算不錯。至於Chris Rokos麾下總部設在倫敦的基金今年截至9月23日錄得9%的回報,在年底前更進 ...全文
... 前談判專家基斯禾斯(Chris Voss)在網上電台公開他的專業談判技巧,試着將它帶到公司的談判桌上,說不定會 ...全文
Nearly 40 years ago, when I visited Moscow for the first time, my initial reaction was surprise. The hotels and restaurants were so poorly run that it seemed shocking that the military could be run co ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-08