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國際炒家聚首 沽空中國抬頭

... 下宏觀基金的策略主管Chris Morrison說,上周跌至5年低位的人民幣要跌到7至7.5元兌一美元的水平, ...全文



... ie Murphy,Chris Rock和Richard Pryor等經典棟篤笑藝人的表演和作品。其時,我覺得 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalSimon’s Glocal Chatroom2016年01月09日


英國流行歌手Chris Rea唱道:「這不是科技故障,不,這是通往地獄之路。」科技業收購交易往往跟上述兩者有很 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年01月05日


... 司。Z-Ben分析員Chris Powers亦稱,很多外資公司正重新評估其在內地業務的取態。 ...全文


A billion users may not be enough for India's phone industry

... um," said Chris Lane, a telecommunications analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in Hong Kong. Lane said this is why phone operators in India have lower profits than their peers in other parts of ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-31

A very tolerant Christmas

Christmas is coming – and has been, it seems, since mid-autumn. And just in case there was any sign of flagging, we now have Black Friday, an export from the United States, when we are all encouraged ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-22

US authorities said to be probing data breach at Uber

... gy chief, Chris Lambert. No one has been accused yet of any wrongdoing. An attorney for Lambert was quoted as saying that his client "had nothing to do" with the breach. Lyft, meanwhile, said in a sta ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-21

市場穩 成功調控預期

... 席金融經濟師魯帕奇(Chris Rupkey)表示,耶倫展現了真正的領導力,並告訴美國人,首次加息後,美國經濟 ...全文


The Secret Project(下)

... reed的關燈開燈和Chris Ofili的象屎大堆!)——幸好今回大師作品移植至更artistically ...全文


Singing a song at a banquet could cost you over HK$10,000

... h. Lawyer Chris Ng Chung-luen, spokesperson for the Progressive Lawyers Group, said copyright authorities should consider setting up an online platform for the public to apply for a license or clearan ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-11

Hong Kong toymaker hacked in largest theft of children's data

...  needed." Chris Wysopal, co-founder of cyber security firm Veracode, said it could be a wake up call for families in the same way that the hack on infidelity website Ashley Madison earlier this year m ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-02


... 分析。 2008年,Chris Anderson發表了理論的終結(The End of Theory)的言論。 ...全文


Far East Consortium expects 10-20% plunge in home prices in 2016

Hong Kong's property market may fall more than 10 percent next year, but it would be unlikely to plunge more than 20 percent, Far East Consortium International Ltd. (00035.HK) managing director Chris ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-27

憧憬放水 歐股揚升

... 濟研究主管希克盧納(Chris Scicluna)指出,歐洲和美國的貨幣政策背道而馳,意味歐羅將進一步下跌,問 ...全文


DAB's Chris Chung vows to come back stronger

Christopher Chung Shu-kun, a pro-establishment legislator who was defeated by a first-time candidate in Sunday's district council election, vowed to revive his political career, saying he will "pick m ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-25

The fight against terrorism is everyone's

I traveled to Paris from London last Monday. It takes two-and-a-half hours by train. We are neighbors, our histories and populations intertwined. My 10-year-old granddaughter will go there next week w ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-23

CY Leung's formula to achieve social harmony

...  governor Chris Patten, offers a platform for the government to listen to the public views and sentiments regarding local issues without having to go through intermediaries such as political parties. ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-19


... ;滿頭白髮的生態學家Chris充當村巴司機,駕駛由家居廢油驅動的黃巴士接送我們穿梭往返;歡迎晚宴吃着居民自家製 ...全文


Japan entices visitors from HK with free flights, hotel rooms

... ated with Chris Leung Yin-chung, a well-known travel expert in Hong Kong, to design a 24-day budget travel itinerary across 47 prefectures that costs a traveler only HK$13,888, as it involves using a ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-13


... 曼穎  雄:陳剛雄(Chris)     嘉:施逸嘉(Anthony)   陳: 今年夏天,EMBA同學到瑞典 ...全文


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