
共 1905 個結果
頁數:1...79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ...96

Gear up for hiking: Choose the right equipment

You need to prepare well for hiking or trekking challenges. First of all, you must be adequately equipped. Here's a checklist: 1) Footwear. Hiking shoes should be made of breathable and lightweight ma ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-13

蘋果猛將過檔Tesla 領導研發自駕軟件

美國電動車生產商Tesla周二表示,蘋果公司資深軟件工程師拉特納(Chris Lattner)【圖】將過檔該公 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年01月12日

周星馳領軍 妖魔精靈迎雞年

... 。 《魔獸戰車》導演Chris Wedge的成名作是《冰河世紀》,編劇則是《功夫熊貓》的Jonathan Ai ...全文


蘋果稱按官方要求辦事 批判言論惹禍

... 中國資深記者儲百亮(Chris Buckley)一家當年被迫離開中國,新任命的潘公凱(Pan Philip)亦 ...全文


倫敦樓吸港商45億鎊 中資市佔趨升

... 理仕國際資本市場主管Chris Brett表示,目前香港投資者約有45億元(英鎊.下同)的資金瞄準倫敦,是國際 ...全文



... ,取罵亦無妨。已故的Christopher Hitchens說得好,「現今在美國,再無毀譽,更無臭名遠播。只有 ...全文


巴士客疏落 小巴食白果

... 選搭港鐵。 澳洲遊客Chris昨往海洋公園前,在網絡獲悉港鐵通車,認為十分方便。   ...全文



... 終考驗,亦為彭定康(Chris Patten)最近於訪港期間在演說之中,闡釋民主政府運作時提出的關鍵所在;實行 ...全文


Financial Secretary John Tsang resigns, paving way for CE bid

...  governor Chris Patten. After the handover, he occupied various government posts, including customs commissioner, commerce secretary and director of the Office of the Chief Executive under Donald Tsan ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-12

壓軸議息睇佢點 沽中美債贏開巷

... 表現也真算不錯。至於Chris Rokos麾下總部設在倫敦的基金今年截至9月23日錄得9%的回報,在年底前更進 ...全文


向FBI偷師 跟老闆談判

... 前談判專家基斯禾斯(Chris Voss)在網上電台公開他的專業談判技巧,試着將它帶到公司的談判桌上,說不定會 ...全文


Hong Kong’s independence trap

Nearly 40 years ago, when I visited Moscow for the first time, my initial reaction was surprise. The hotels and restaurants were so poorly run that it seemed shocking that the military could be run co ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-08

歐羅搖搖欲墜 美加息步伐關鍵

... 較進取,該行經濟學家Chris Rupkey預料聯儲局每季度加息25基點,直至2019年第二季方停止。摩通經濟 ...全文


Tsang has the makings of a good CE but he just can't run

...  Governor Chris Patten until the last day of British rule. Beijing was never short of words against the last colonial ruler like “a sinner for a thousand years” when Patten revved up democratic politi ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-05

Death toll in California loft fire reaches 30

... lub fire. Chris Nechodom, 30, said he arrived early at the party, which featured electronic dance music, and was on the ground floor when he saw flames race across the ceiling. As he left, he heard a ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-05

Chris Patten's advice on governance continues to resonate

During his recent visit to Hong Kong, former British colonial governor Chris Patten cited a famous Confucian quote from the ancient Chinese classic, the Analects, in a speech at an academic forum. The ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-01

Localist Edward Leung seeks study opportunities in US

...  governor Chris Patten during a University of Hong Kong forum in which the latter said independence is not the answer to Hong Kong's problems. Leung said there's a need for persuasive tactics in pushi ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-30

Why Patten won't support pro-independence groups

As the old saying goes, there are no permanent friends or enemies in politics. Chris Patten, Hong Kong's last British colonial governor, can readily testify to that. Just look at the way Patten, once ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-30

Chris Patten’s fallacy

Hong Kong people not only have a deep admiration for Chris Patten but also worship the ground he walks on, so much so many of our fellow citizens eagerly await his words of wisdom whenever he visits. ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-30

Why Hong Kong people still admire Chris Patten

Former governor Chris Patten could not have timed his latest visit to Hong Kong more perfectly. It comes at a time when Hong Kong people are getting frustrated about the future and the prospect of ano ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-29

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