
共 1779 個結果
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捨己救人英雄 中5槍無大礙

警方接報後,兩名警員數分鐘內抵達與槍手駁火,英勇表現獲嘉許。曾當兵多年的30歲學生明茨(Chris Mintz ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年10月03日

美槍手闖校園斃9人 專殺基督徒
奧巴馬:案件太多國民麻木 斥槍管無期

... 手是26歲男子默瑟(Chris Harper-Mercer),曾在網上留言稱不喜歡有組織的宗教,並崇拜愛爾蘭共 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年10月03日

HKU council sacrifices academic freedom to achieve Beijing goal

...  governor Chris Patten had said before the handover, that the city's autonomy "could be given away bit by bit by some people in Hong Kong", can also be applied to the appointment saga as some people a ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-30

不能最好 就做最壞

... 慶翔矣! 《衛報》的Chris Taylor稱哥斯達是個「技巧高超、才華橫溢的街頭戰士(street figh ...全文


Coming to America: Why Pope Francis visit is an epic event

It’s a dollar to a cent that Pope Francis’s visit to the United States will be one of the biggest news stories of 2015. Take the sheer number of American Catholics, add the diplomatic skill of the Vat ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-23


... 足球賽中,錫菲聯球員Chris Morgan向班士利前鋒Iain Hume「批肘」,擊中後者的頭部,後者幾乎因 ...全文


Carshare.hk gains further traction

... . Founder Chris Yeung said new capital will be invested on system upgrade and more intensive promotional activities. He is also looking at the possibility of expanding the service to other cities. On ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-16


... ,其主播男友赫斯特(Chris Hurst)事隔19天後,周一返回工作崗位。赫斯特稱情緒已開始平復,又說帕克與 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2015年09月16日

Why Britain’s populist fantasies are dangerous

The election of Jeremy Corbyn as the new leader of the British Labor Party is a reminder that life is rich with paradox. Globalization -- the web of travel, technology, trade, and information that bin ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-15

Pro-Beijing columnist mocked for 'bragging' about daughter

Netizens are tearing into an outspoken pro-Beijing columnist for calling Hong Kong people ignorant, dismissing her as a "superficial patriot". They're accusing media veteran Chris Wat of hypocrisy aft ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-14

Jet engine parts on Las Vegas runway indicate major failure

... ac. Pilot Chris Henkey, of Padworth, England, told NBC News that he has decided to retire from his 42-year service, although he had earlier planned to do one more flight. He will no longer pilot what ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-11


... 獎頒獎禮司儀的洛克(Chris Rock),去年11月接受《紐約雜誌》(New York Magazine)訪 ...全文


歐難民危機跨大西洋 掀動加國選情
溺斃男童家鄉落葬 父親籲全球關注慘況

... 函移民部長亞歷山大(Chris Alexander),要求對方協助男童一家。蒂瑪自責稱,若不是寄錢給男童一家, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年09月05日

男童海灘遺體照 觸動民眾同情心

... ,移民部長亞歷山大(Chris Alexander)稱,該不幸的相片及死訊令世界心碎。兩大在野黨批評,現政府忽 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年09月04日


... ler)和瓦拉塞克(Chris Valasek)加入其先進科技中心(ATC),為計劃中的自動駕駛汽車研發黑客防 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2015年08月31日

未婚妻最後一天上班 目擊愛人「Last Day」

... 得意,與同事赫斯特(Chris Hurst)發展地下情9個月,上月開始同居,原本希望為將來結婚多省一點錢。 帕 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年08月28日

全程出街 疑前員工行兇吞槍危殆

... 友是記者同事赫斯特(Chris Hurst),他在慘劇後才公開情侶關係,透露兩人有意結婚。 沃德的未婚妻奧特( ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年08月27日


... 常務董事兼吾友惠倫(Chris Whalen)傳來【圖1】,揭示人民幣滙價、油價與銅價走勢,他有以下見解: 在 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2015年08月26日

Former HKU vice chancellor warns outsiders against interference

...  he said. Chris Patten, Hong Kong’s last colonial governor who serves as chancellor of the University of Oxford, said academic independence is important to any university. In Hong Kong, it has helped ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-25

法火車槍擊案 疑犯早被監視

... 大礙。英籍乘客諾曼(Chris Norman)稱,他們採取行動時,疑犯的步槍似乎不能運作,形容他們十分幸運。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年08月24日

頁數:1...79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ...89

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