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9月是內地樓市傳統旺季,今年「金九」亦不例外。國家統計局公布,9月份70個大中城市新建住宅銷售價格,其中有39 ...全文


What's driving Jardine to invest in Zhongsheng?

What is it about mainland car dealer Zhongsheng Group Holdings Ltd. (00881.HK) that makes it so attractive to Jardine Matheson Group? Although low-key since it changed its domicile to Bermuda in 1984, ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-23

Jardine puts US$700 mln into Zhongsheng Group, WSJ says

Conglomerate Jardine Matheson Group, through its unit Jardine Strategic Holdings Ltd., will invest up to US$722 million in one of China's biggest car dealers, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday. ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-20

Meidong Auto signals turn onto IPO on-ramp

It has a meager 0.1 percent market share but China Meidong Auto Holdings Ltd. (01268.HK) is the latest car dealer lining up to join the convoy of initial public offerings this month, aiming to take ad ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-28

頁數:1...75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83

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