... Inc. and Uber Technologies Inc. The European Union is due later this month to start enforcing a strict new privacy law, the General Data Protection Regulation, that includes steep fees for violators. ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-04
本系列文章已簡述新經濟巨頭Airbnb及Uber在香港因政策或官僚態度而寸步難行的經歷;本文再探索另一新經濟景 ...全文
... China’s “Uber for trucks”, runs an app that allows shippers to connect with truck drivers and transport goods across the country. The company counts Apple, Foxconn and Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-25
... 球最大初創企業優步(Uber)同樣最快要到2019年才上市,如滴滴出行真的成功「加速」,掛牌步伐將比Uber更 ...全文
... s such as Uber Technologies, according to the report. Worldwide sales increased to US$31.1 billion in the quarter, above the average analysts’ estimate of US$30.3 billion. However, operating income ma ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-24
涉及Uber司機死亡的交通意外首次在本港發生,被問及政府如何規管Uber,運輸及房屋局局長陳帆表示,不論任何營 ...全文
旺角亞皆老街天橋周四(19日)晚約9時發生嚴重交通意外,造成1死4傷,當中死者為Uber司機,是本港首宗涉及U ...全文
亞皆老街天橋昨發生晚4車相撞,造成1死4傷,Uber香港確認死者為旗下司機,另外傷者涉及1名Uber乘客。 立 ...全文
亞皆老街天橋昨發生晚4車相撞,造成1死4傷,Uber香港確認死者為旗下司機,另外傷者涉及一名Uber乘客。 U ...全文
... fferings, Uber Hong Kong general manager Kenneth She Chun-chi told the Hong Kong Economic Journal that her group has come up with new measures to attract local taxi drivers to join the service. These ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-19
... rtupBeat請來Uber香港區總經理佘雋知(Kenneth),分享本地網約車的行業近況,並透露如何增加司機 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年04月19日
... he use of Uber-style taxis which customers order on their mobiles. The traditional cab drivers have lost much of their business. There has been a drastic fall in the number of street side stalls selli ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-17
召車平台優步(Uber)上月測試自動駕駛技術時不幸發生奪命車禍後,叫停美國所有路面試驗計劃。不過,這次Uber ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年04月17日