負責直播本港2017年除夕倒數煙火音樂滙演的無綫電視(電視廣播,00511)外景隊,工作人員去年12月30日晚 ...全文
電視廣播(00511)(TVB)2017年初提出以42億元大手回購股份,卻在申請全購清洗豁免時觸動證監會神經, ...全文
電視廣播(00511)(TVB)旗下社交媒體平台大台網(Big Big Channel,前稱無綫網絡電視有限公 ...全文
... 海關、now TV及電視廣播(00511,下稱無綫電視)均歡迎裁決。 now無綫歡迎裁決 3名被告包括技術員鍾 ...全文
Asia Television (ATV), which stopped operations on April 2 last year after failing to have its license renewed in the wake of mounting debt, is ready to make a return. This time, however, it will no l ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-18
如果唐文龍沒有加入演藝圈,可能成為港版Calvin Klein或Michael Kors。 身為紐約流行設計學 ...全文
There's life yet in Asia Television (ATV), or so it seems. More than a year and half after going off air amid various problems, the Hong Kong-based media company is planning a second coming through th ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-14
周星馳把史坦尼斯拉夫斯基的《演員的自我修養》介紹給港人,但多少演員因那是《喜劇之王》橋段而一笑置之?擅演壞女人 ...全文
... 一宗清盤官司未解決。電視廣播(00511)(TVB)早前向亞視提出清盤呈請,理由是亞視仍拖欠兩個發射站約245 ...全文
上星期在一份暢銷收費報紙的娛樂版,讀到李歐梵教授的柏林愛樂樂評,他寫了第二場。非常高興見到李教授的文章,當晚他 ...全文
上周三(22日)病逝的電視廣播(00511)(下稱無綫)非執行董事方逸華(六嬸),昨晨於香港殯儀館出殯,多名 ...全文
It was only a few years ago in 2013 that a major controversy blew up when the Hong Kong government rejected HKTV’s application for a free-to-air TV broadcasting license. Since that time, we have seen ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-30
已故影視大亨邵逸夫妻子、電視廣播(00511)非執行董事方逸華,本月22日因病離世,享年83歲,家人昨日在香港 ...全文
已故影視大亨邵逸夫第二任妻子方逸華周三(22日)因病逝世,電視廣播(00511)周五(24日)發聲明,將於12 ...全文
Mona Fong, former managing director of TVB and an influential figure in Hong Kong's entertainment industry, has died at the age of 83. Fong died peacefully at 5:28 p.m. on Wednesday at Hong Kong Sanat ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-23